A Perfect World Poem by Sandra Feldman

Sandra Feldman

Sandra Feldman

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Sandra Feldman
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A Perfect World

Rating: 4.5

I have realized now,
That there is a Perfect World!
But it is within You,
With Truth and Love and Beauty,
Sincerity is Key,
Honesty and Harmony.
'I love you! '
That's how it has to be.

Monday, March 17, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Lawerence Mize 29 March 2014

Touching. Enjoyed this one. Thanks for sharing.

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Sawan Dhyani 19 March 2014

Short and beautiful. It shows that a poem need not be written with superfluous words. Nice work.

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Roseann Shawiak 17 March 2014

A perfect world can only be within oneself, that's just the way it is, in sincere, honest harmony and it's truthfulness - there resides love. Loving it! RoseAnn

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Mehta Hasmukh Amathalal 17 March 2014

'I love you! ' That's how it has to be... LOVELY AAAAAAAAAND BEAUTIFUL LINES....10 “Live and let others live” the legend says God is one that all must believe Let the faith be protected Let good values be interacted

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Chuy Amante 17 March 2014

YES! We're on the same team! ! ! ! Yee-haw! ! ! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE! ! ! ! ! (with a Robert Plant voice)

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Sandra Feldman

Sandra Feldman

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Sandra Feldman
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