A New Day, A New Life, A New Beauty Poem by Cassandra Jasmine

Cassandra Jasmine

Cassandra Jasmine

United States of Awesomeness
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Cassandra Jasmine
United States of Awesomeness
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A New Day, A New Life, A New Beauty

Rating: 5.0

Every Year,
Every day,
Every season,
Nature makes room for all to come into the world.

The soft-eyed fawn,
Nestles against her mother’s
Leathery, yet soft hide.
They chase butterflies and birds.
Beautiful, delicate, and dappled with sunlight.

Fillies and colts,
Prance to and fro,
Trying their best to imitate their father.
Yet when they’re grown,
They bloom like flowers.
Beautiful, Courageous, and Strong-Willed.

The wolf pup
Yips and yaps,
Tumbling through the tall, dancing grass,
Sniffing wild flowers.
Young, carefree, and strong.

Jaguars, Cougars, Lions, Tigers
All start as kittens.
They prowl, stalk, and pounce.
Twisting in midair, leaping over hedges,
Romping in the dark.
Quick-witted, sly, and mysterious,
Yet beautiful.

Birds of different colors
Possess different airs of beauty.
The lark’s lyrical song touches many,
The parrot’s beauty takes one’s breathe away,
And even the crow,
Whom could be a nuisance to crops,
Are admired for their intelligence.
Yet they all have one in common:
They were all once small, meek hatch-lings.

Every animal
Is born small, and delicate.
Yet when he’s grown,
The words that describe him are priceless.
“Beautiful, Courageous, Stubborn,
And many a time, loyal.”

A New Day, A New Life, A New Love.

Khairul Ahsan 20 August 2013

A good poem. Shows your love for animals and birds. The theme is good. The beautiful butterfly today was an ugly caterpillar yesterday. The strong, ferocious animal today was a weakling yesterday.

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Cassandra Jasmine

Cassandra Jasmine

United States of Awesomeness
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Cassandra Jasmine
United States of Awesomeness
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