A Love Poem For Endangered Species Poem by Ron Stock

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Ron Stock

Ron Stock

Saginaw, Michigan
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Ron Stock
Saginaw, Michigan
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A Love Poem For Endangered Species

These friends need our help who are swimming in the water.
The Nile crocodile and the Congo clawless otter.
The American alligator and the Ganges River dolphin.
The Loggerhead sea turtle and the Utah Lake sculpin.
The Atlantic grey whale and the Nashville crayfish.
The Florida manatee and the Alabama cavefish.
The Sea mink, Golden toad, Black caiman, Harbor porpoise,
Swordfish, Pupfish, Paddlefish, and all Seahorses.
And of course, the Cui-ui, the Totoaba, and the Scarlet sea anemone.

These friends need our help who are flying in the sky.
The California condor and the Large blue butterfly.
The Golden parakeet and the Belgium florican.
The Black cheeked lovebird and the Trinidad piping guan.
The White-tailed hummingbird and the Philippine cockatoo.
The Red-breasted goose and Taczanowski's tinamou.
The Black mamo, Marbled teal, Yellow foddy, Milky stork,
Chinese egret, Whooping crane, White pelican, and Blue-billed duck.
And of course, the Kaka, the Kokako, the Kakapoo, and the Nukupu-u.

These friends need our help who are walking on the land.
The Washington giant earthworm, the Lion and Orangutan.
The Asiatic elephant and the African wild dog.
The Syrian golden hamster, the Tiger and Baw baw frog.
The Tonkin leaf monkey and the Bougainvillea giant rat.
The Slender horned gazelle, the Bay and Andean cats.
The Red Panda, Gila monster, and Bavarian pine vole.
Jaguar, Cheetah, Gorilla, Zebra, and Water buffalo.
And of course, the Aye aye, the Pudu, the Kod kod, and the Colo colo.

It is harder to build a fish than to build a submarine.
It is harder to build a bird than to build a flying machine.
It is harder to build a beast than to build an automobile.
And it's hard to open the hearts, of folks who do not feel.
Our politicians say it's to close to make the call,
But some of us believe the American Dream is killing us all.
So let's put our hearts together and sing a common song,
And tell our politicians, Mother Nature, is not, a pawn.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: environmental rights
about endangered species
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Ron Stock

Ron Stock

Saginaw, Michigan
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Ron Stock
Saginaw, Michigan
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