A Little Treasure Hunt Poem by Michael Fischer

Michael Fischer

Michael Fischer

Buffalo, New York
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Michael Fischer
Buffalo, New York
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A Little Treasure Hunt

Rating: 5.0

I clean my room in search
of fragments of old poetry.
I survey every note pad,
every sheet of scrap paper,
and every post-it for them.

My search was successful.
I found scribbled lyrics,
simple lines of memories,
and sheltered insights.
Thank God I kept these!

Sarvesh Kulkarni 03 October 2008

A lovely poem, Michael. Very simple and thoughtful. Thank you.

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Brian Hinckley 10 July 2008

I read this before, but didn't comment. I find the same things hidden around myself! I located a small notebook, must be about 5 years old, with a story I was writing way back then. My, how my use of language and prose has changed!

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Michael Gale 04 May 2007

A long lost note... That i wrote. With a line... Filled talently that is fine. I found it at last... From long ago this dark forgotten past. I write because i enjoy poetry... I read it for the well heard style of oratory. The well written word... Sets me happly free as a nice high free flying bird. Poems... Received well into every other artistic appreciative home. Feelings exspressed through great imagery... Paint a picture to the mind like an artist paints one with color allure. Poems greet all by thoughts so pure. Yours was a great poem. God bless all poets-MJG.

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Alison Cassidy 03 May 2007

Ah yes, Michael - those triggers without which the creative mind stalls. You have certainly brought your treasure hunt to life in these elegant lines. I did enjoy this. love, Allie xxxx

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Patricia Gale 02 May 2007

A little treasure hunt with a BIG find, nicely done Michael

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Michael Fischer

Michael Fischer

Buffalo, New York
follow poet
Michael Fischer
Buffalo, New York
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