A Lesson In Drawing Poem by White Rose

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White Rose

White Rose

Damascus - Syria
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White Rose
Damascus - Syria
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A Lesson In Drawing

Rating: 4.6

My son places his paint box in front of me
and asks me to draw a bird for him.
Into the color gray I dip the brush
and draw a square with locks and bars.
Astonishment fills his eyes:
'... But this is a prision, Father,
Don't you know, how to draw a bird? '
And I tell him: 'Son, forgive me.
I've forgotten the shapes of birds.'
My son puts the drawing book in front of me
and asks me to draw a wheatstalk.
I hold the pen
and draw a gun.
My son mocks my ignorance,
'Don't you know, Father, the difference between a
wheatstalk and a gun? '
I tell him, 'Son,
once I used to know the shapes of wheatstalks
the shape of the loaf
the shape of the rose
But in this hardened time
the trees of the forest have joined
the militia men
and the rose wears dull fatigues
In this time of armed wheatstalks
armed birds
armed culture
and armed religion
you can't buy a loaf
without finding a gun inside
you can't pluck a rose in the field
without its raising its thorns in your face
you can't buy a book
that doesn't explode between your fingers.'
My son sits at the edge of my bed
and asks me to recite a poem,
A tear falls from my eyes onto the pillow.
My son licks it up, astonished, saying:
'But this is a tear, father, not a poem! '
And I tell him:
'When you grow up, my son,
and read the diwan of Arabic poetry
you'll discover that the word and the tear are twins
and the Arabic poem
is no more than a tear wept by writing fingers.'
My son lays down his pens, his crayon box in
front of me
and asks me to draw a homeland for him.
The brush trembles in my hands
and I sink, weeping.

Mohammad Al-kurdi 04 September 2008

it's a sad fact..and how difficult to mention that, as we always ignore it.. this poem makes the heart cries...as it always lies..whenever it would rise.. ....great well-done poem white rose..go on.

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Gone with the wind 04 September 2008

I loved this composition...the facts are so touchy and the way you have related your son is even more compelling...a 10...best wishes Love Gul

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Blue Eyes 13 November 2008

it is a very nice poem.

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Yasser Koor 04 October 2008

it is a wonderful poem i like it so much the facts, the sadden, and and the touch great go ahead...bravo

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Greenwolfe 1962 10 September 2008

I gave this the only appropriate score. A 10. GW62

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Elysabeth Faslund 07 September 2008

Truly magnificent in its entirety! Theme is fully realized and the ending is too, too sweet icing on the cake baked for you, not by you...may your pen shine on! Give us more poetry...one is not enough! xxxElysabeth

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How sad to never know how wonderful peace and the world could be if everyone could chase away sadness and fears.I hope someday my prayers will be answered and your son will see the beauty of a bird in flight or a grain of wheat swaying in the breeze.Great poem, please keep writting and thank you for this touching poem.I gave you a ten

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White Rose

White Rose

Damascus - Syria
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White Rose
Damascus - Syria
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