A Friend Like You Poem by Jenni Cortes

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Jenni Cortes

Jenni Cortes

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Jenni Cortes
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A Friend Like You

Rating: 4.4

A friend like you is like no other friend
A friend like you is a friend i dont regret meeting
A friend like you is like a friend i cant scream at or fight with
A friend like you is like having no worries in my life
A friend like you is a friend that i dont want to lose
A friend like you is like being in comfort all day
A friend like you is a friend i always wanted
A friend like you is awesomly awesome
A friend like you is random and funny
A friend like you is a friend that i love to death and i will never let go
A friend like you is a friend i can tell all my secrets to
A friend like you..
A friend like you is like the little sister ive always wanted
A friend that i can go to to tell them whats wrong
A friend like you is like having no dark days because you brighten them up
A friend like you is a friend that opens up my eyes and helps me avoid bad things
A friend like you is a type of friend that laughs at dumb things i say or do
A friend like you is a friend i am proud to call my best friend...

A Friend Like You
Buvana S 08 February 2012

i like this poem very much, not only i am my friend although. thanking you

90 27 Reply
Jessica Khinda 26 October 2011

Love your poem. Infact. Ihave sent this poem to atleast 20 people of my friends as an e-card. Keep it up: D

82 31 Reply
Lawrence H 20 January 2012

good poem if you can simplify the wordings and make the stanza into a few paragraphs..for easy reading..spelling mistake on awesomly? ? should be awesomely

69 40 Reply
Casey Mcguire 19 April 2012

This is a sweet Poem! ! !

81 27 Reply
Marlin Nightingale 29 March 2011

You have reminded me of the reasons why we hold others close to us-and call them friends! Good job! Great poem :)

82 25 Reply
Susan Lacovara 28 January 2015

Always wonderful to share heartfelt words with a best friend...but I have also found a best friend is someone you can be silent with....for they know the words, within your heart, before they even fall from your lips. A pure write. PEACE.

2 1 Reply
Susan Lacovara 28 January 2015

Always wonderful to share heartfelt words with a best friend...but I have also found a best friend is someone you can be silent with....for they know the words, within your heart, before they even fall from your lips. A pure write. PEACE.

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Stephen Katona 08 August 2014

Wonderful. This is a poem to send to best friends, and a guide for anyone to become a better friend. In creating this poem you have helped countless friendships.

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Bernard Snyder 08 August 2014

Wow. We should all have a 'friend like this! Nice poem!

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Jasbir Chatterjee 08 August 2014

Congrats on selection of this poem as Member Poem. You are lucky to have an all-weather and all-purpose friend!

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Jenni Cortes

Jenni Cortes

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Jenni Cortes
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