Look me up at 2: 00AM
When the last lonely bar has closed
And you’re drunk with sadness
And not with booze;
Look me up with your running panty hose
And your smoky dress;
Look me up with your tearful eyes
And your weary voice;
Look me up with your abandoned children
Dangling from your heart
Like a nearly broken necklace;
Look me up like a lost sinner
With unutterable crimes to confess
To her fallible priest and fragile God;
Look me up, dear angel,
Before you’re gone forever,
A fading memory beneath forgetful sod.
OMG Uriah, do you know how amazing this is? I have no words, seriously..wow
I remember reading this poem months ago, and somehow I failed to leave a comment on it... my apologies since this write deserves more than that... I love how you've captured a man's love for a woman and what he had to endure seeing her be unhappy with someone else... and yet is willing to let her in no matter what it took, that he may be her last hope. Beautiful write sir, Lee
Jeez, guy - how much sorrow and compassion can a reader abide? The running panty hose, the smoky dress.... others have commented on other phrases, but this REALLY moved me - the whole poem did. How long, indeed can (disappointed) love endure? What are the consequences of indifference to the pain of others? Your compassion seems limitless. As does your unflinching gaze. Quite an experience - and quite a masterful use of metaphor and language. I'm in awe.
'drunk with sadness'.. you have captured my attention and heart with this line.. such a strong line, sets the trace for the whole poem. Excellent my friend. HBH
A poem that touched my heart - well done.......................willow
A very sad poem but touching, as well. A true poet's heart you have!
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
'set 'em up Joe, I've got a kind-a-story, you aught to know.' Strong write, Uriah