A Dream Poem by yoonoos peerbocus

yoonoos peerbocus

yoonoos peerbocus

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yoonoos peerbocus
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A Dream

Rating: 4.4

Each night, earth life suspended,
Without asking where you are going
Or who you are, you experience
As if life dreams of itself,
Content to keep happy, immortality
Behind the curtain of sleep.
It's a world you have no word for
And though it was real at the moment,
You call it a dream,
Which is lost as you awake.

Susan Williams 10 January 2016

I wonder what wonders are conceived in the land of Nod that awaken sometimes in the world of Awake and changes the destination of a life. Thank you for another glimpse of beauty

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Michael Round 03 August 2012

I find the poem meaningless. What are you saying? Then say it. You have a way with words... if only you would cease to torture them and bring an order, then the beauty mentioned by others would have meaning and thus bring something greater than the word count.

3 1 Reply
kunjubi Varghese 01 November 2010

Tantalizingly sweet..Dulcifying the soul... sublime...Carving out a romantic mood.. You are born poet... Cheers

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Lynette Hazel 04 December 2011

captures the essence of dreams so well

2 1 Reply
Jahan Zeb 03 November 2012

This poem is pleasant to read and to think of dreams. You have made me think which of my dreams was the most pleasant. Which one made me tremble of fear. And though it was real at the moment, You call it a dream, Which is lost as you awake. Good poem

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S.zaynab Kamoonpuri 20 January 2021

A fine great poem on dreams and night sleep. Kerp writing. Thumbs up. Plz do read and comment my newest poem too titled, 'mini earthquake experiences'

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Pamela lutwyche 03 September 2020

Dreams can feel so real. I love to dream, I love to sleep. I like your poem

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Mary Skarpathiotaki 03 September 2020

Very good10++++++++++++Thanks you my friend good morning.

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lovely poem.. i liked.. clear 10 life ceases- at night tuesday,21st July 2020 life has more adventures to make sure you are successful and lead the life purposefully Hasmukh Mehta

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Phillip Nine Mafunga 17 July 2020

Behind the curtain of sleep. It's a world you have no word for........... beautiful saying

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yoonoos peerbocus

yoonoos peerbocus

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yoonoos peerbocus
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