There was once an ancient Chinese philosopher sitting under a crooked old tree
Who spoke on the subject of judging others, and how we need to think differently.
“When this tree was younger, ” he said, “it caused many people to gape
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Neither should humans, ” he continued, “be judged by their shape or their size For like this old tree we’re sitting under, their destiny may too surprise. So never accept other people’s judgement of you; do not let them limit who you can be, And do not dismiss anyone in this world but treat everyone with dignity.” It’s a lesson I try to remember when I am judged or I judge others quickly. I try to stop and remember that Chinese philosopher and that beautiful crooked old tree.
A very wise thought penned in beautiful poem- -Thanks for sharing.
A beautiful ballad. Lace with the truth and amazing flow of words.thanks for sharing
Great counseling and inspiration. These are the eternal teachings we should always remember.
Heartiest Congratulations for inking such an insightful poem based on eastern philosophy as also on it's selection as member poem of the Day.
Profound poetry and philosophy. What a potent mix! Thoroughly enjoyed this Poem Of The Day. Congrats, Jim on such an accomplishment. Looking forward to reading more of your poetry.
Philosophy of judging others by crooked idea undoubtedly amazing. Its newness of transformation in the field of judging captures the readers intelligence. Appreciate the recollection. Thanks.
Do not dismiss anyone! Thanks for sharing this poem with us.
A tree is a teacher. Beautiful poem, Jim! Hearty Congratulation!
A wonderful poem, Jim. So many truths! Congrats on having it chosen as poem of the day!
A good poem with a great story-line. Congratulation on its selection as the member poem for the day.
Thank you for sharing this poem, Jim! There are lessons to learn from it. It shows that every person, and all thing serves a purpose in this world!
Those cricked tree branches were so easy to climb and hold a special place in my memory. The poem reminded me of my own poem ' Banyan tree' which came out of appreciation for one such tree. Thanks for sharing.
Only the ego judge people. As someone who has successfully shed the ego off of my psyche I must say it feels very liberated to have done that. Your poem was both insightful and knowledgeable. Well done!
A magnificent poem......5 stars