A Cigarette Poem by Jan Oskar Hansen

Jan Oskar Hansen

Jan Oskar Hansen

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Jan Oskar Hansen
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A Cigarette

Rating: 2.9

A Cigarette

Dawn, yes and the mist, what else do you
expect on lake Martin early and summer?
Swamp cypress dripping with Spanish moss.
I have stopped rowing, water swirling around
Oar blades, the silence is absolute I dare not
Inhale, a bird shrieks, the lake shudders
An evil thought has entered Paradise, I hear
The faint noise of outboard motors,
The moment of ethereal stillness has gone,
I lit a cigarette inhale deeply, exhale and blow
Rings a pure delight into morning air.

William Jackson 28 November 2008

Ah, you make me wish to lose myself in the place you describe. Fine poem, and you make me want to smoke a cigar.

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Indira Renganathan 18 September 2009

cigarette smoking is injurious not only to one's body but to the sorrounding atmosphere also...why then?

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Upendra Upm 12 February 2018

wonderful chasing the mind, thought second wise, split second wise.

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Rajnish Manga 20 September 2020

Beautiful portrayal of lake Martin and its summer morning atmosphere which has changed quite a lot over the years. You have rightly said: The moment of ethereal stillness has gone,

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Chinedu Dike 06 August 2020

You've captured the great feeling that accompanies ones first puff of the day.

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Soran M. H 28 January 2020

you have captured all these poetic images from the mother nature and made out of them a superb poem that heart touching, and make the reader think twice before going to another line...it deserves 10/10 brilliant+++++

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A B Faniki 06 August 2019

Ah Nice one, nothing bet the stillness in the morning before dawn. Brilliant image u put out here

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Rajnish Manga 13 May 2019

I appreciate your skill and love of nature which has gone into the creation of this charming landscape but smoking of cigarette will poison the inhaled oxygen rather than adding pure delight into morning air.

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Jan Oskar Hansen

Jan Oskar Hansen

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Jan Oskar Hansen
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