A Child Of The King Poem by Luke Easter

Luke Easter

Luke Easter

Cleveland, Ohio
follow poet
Luke Easter
Cleveland, Ohio
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A Child Of The King

Rating: 3.5

Do you know who your father is?
I know mine, I am a Child Of The King!
My Father is unlimited in His abilities,
Readily equipped to do any and everything.

My Father resides on a Heavenly Throne,
A King so powerful He sits there alone,
My Brother Jesus occupies a seat at the right,
The Prince Of Peace, every day and night

Although His address is the entire universe,
He’s centrally positioned in the middle of the sky,
Nothing sneaks by this Majestic Presence,
Omnipotent is my Father, that’s the reason why.

From the very beginning of creation & time itself,
My Father the King has always been in control,
Familiar with the innermost thoughts of your mind,
And the workings from the very depths of your soul.

Galatians 4: 4, but when the fulness of time was come,
Born of a woman, God sent forth the only begotten One,
1 John 4: 4, greater in me than he who is in the world,
We're born not of preference, race, religion, just boy or girl.

You may be surprised at the things you read and hear,
Instead of accepting teachings and doctrines He holds near,
Father always knew how perilous the world would become,
Because many choose to be sons & daughters of the evil one.

1 John 3: 1 & 2, what love the Father hath bestowed on the family,
Galatians 3: 13 & 14, since my Brother Jesus was nailed to a tree,
There's no need to knock on the door because I have my own key,
Being a Child Of The King is for everyone and acceptance is free.

Although fully aware this life is only a temporary fixture,
Shake me, wake me, tell me what’s wrong with this picture?
Why choose forever with pain and suffering in a lake of fire?
When your Brother gave His life for you to be accepted higher.

There’s no reason to lie on job applications or credit card forms,
It’s your Father’s pleasure to give you more than the norm,
Psalms 34: 10, I seek the Lord, so I shall not want any good thing,
Remember, in all that is done, you are A Child Of The King.


A poem on divinity and nice poem.

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Patricia Grantham 10 April 2013

A very nice write. Who wouldn't want to be a child of the King! He has the whole world in his hands. A gracious and loving poem.

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Obinna Eruchie 12 September 2009

It is true, everyone is 'A Child Of The King'. We have the power to work on our inner being to to bring forth salvation in this world. Insightful.

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Luke Easter

Luke Easter

Cleveland, Ohio
follow poet
Luke Easter
Cleveland, Ohio
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