A Child. Poem by Gillian.E. Shaw

Gillian.E. Shaw

Gillian.E. Shaw

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Gillian.E. Shaw
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A Child.

Rating: 4.6

Bold, brave
and beautiful
strong of limb
bright of eye
the little girl
of eight
or nine
too young to hide
and misery
stamped her foot
with frustration
passers by
to her need
her outstretched
as she

I was afraid
for her.

Egal Bohen 19 October 2007

Gillian, Lovely poetry. The shattering of of innocence, of childhood dreams and expectations is so very cruel, and I think you capture this sadness in your write... portrayed by a childs anger. Thankyou Egal..

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Duncan Wyllie 05 January 2008

Oh my Goodness, this is heart wrenching, such attention to fine detail, a beautiful yet sad piece of excellence* Thankyou for sharing it with the reader, Oh if you have the time Please read, , ' HOW MANY KNOCKS? ' Love duncan X

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Emotionally vivid, your touching poem was well worth reading.

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Ashraful Musaddeq 30 August 2008

As if I were there while you saw the little girl. Nice touchy poem. So I gave 10.

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Ron Flowers 27 August 2008

Your subject grabs at my heart, the flow of your poem pleases the palate of my mind. Good job, Gillian. Ron

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Janice Windle 15 June 2008

Gillian, your timing and metre in this poem are so good! tears sprang to my eyes at the last line and I felt what you did - though I admit with shame that in life I fight these feelings back, in fear that I'll be overwhelmed by them.

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Andrew Blakemore 22 May 2008

A great poem Gillian, it's always worrying to see a child in distress and wondering if you should get involved. Well written. Best wishes, Andrew

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John Tiong Chunghoo 23 February 2008

dear shaw, i found the last two verses rather surprising and intriguing. why were u afraid ofher.

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Gillian.E. Shaw

Gillian.E. Shaw

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Gillian.E. Shaw
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