A Butterfly Who Can'T Get Out Of His Cocoon Poem by Roselyn A.M.

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Roselyn A.M.

Roselyn A.M.

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Roselyn A.M.
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A Butterfly Who Can'T Get Out Of His Cocoon

Rating: 5.0

There was a mother butterfly
Who wished to have a female child
But out of his lain eggs in the meadow
She wasn’t sure if her wish was granted though

Then one baby caterpillar came out
From his broken shell he crawled up
With so much blessings around him
He grew faster and changed his skin

The caterpillar then became a pupa
Hung upside down on a woody plant
He surpassed the strong wind
Through the calamity of life he stays in

The time has come for the pupa
After slowly changing his shape inside
He has to crack his own cocoon
He has to let his wings out soon

But he prefers to stay inside his room
He just made a small hole in his cocoon
Through this he gazed and took a scene
He fears the outside world may not admit him

He noticed his mother butterfly
Patiently waiting outside
She’s very much excited
For her child to come out

Though the young butterfly
Experienced pains and struggles inside
He decided to stay in the cocoon
Than to give his mother a great frustration

How can he get out of his world?
He wanted to hide his true color!
He will ignore the longings of his heart,
His love for the bees than flowers with nectar.

Naida Nepascua Supnet 18 November 2010

i would like to commend all mothers for their undying love. I hope kids see in their hearts how unconditonal a mother's love is.

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Roselyn A.M.

Roselyn A.M.

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Roselyn A.M.
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