A Buttercup Tale Poem by sylvia spencer

sylvia spencer

sylvia spencer

woolwich london
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sylvia spencer
woolwich london
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A Buttercup Tale

Rating: 5.0

I know of a buttercup with a story to tell
and I can honestly say there has never been a
story told so well. A pretty buttercup so wild and free
once made friends with an old oak tree but sadly the
tree was cut down and little Miss butercup wore a frown;
she still bows her head in the summer sun because she
feels sad about what was done.
She then lived next door to a tall fox glove and she thought
in her heart that he had fallen in love, because he sheltered her
from rain all summer long and in the wind and rain he is
so brave and strong.
Sadly the foxglove did not feel the same and the buttercups
heart was jilted again.
On into the meadows she moved once more hoping that life
would be better than before. It was here she met the Dandelion
a real good catch and now they live together on the farmers
cabbage patch.

Alison Cassidy 24 April 2007

What a delightful story Sylvia and told with such gentle humour and affection. I believe this would make a wonderful children's poem. love, Allie xxxx

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Duncan Wyllie 18 April 2007

A loving tale of those connections made through nature, Sis I think you have a wonderful style, it is very personal and so easy on the eye Take care Love Brov duncan X

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Ernestine Northover 16 April 2007

It must be dandelion time, Sylvia, because I wrote one the other day about Dandelions. I haven't posted it on here yet, but might in the near future. I think it is their bright yellow colour that attracts me. And of course the buttercup. Have written one of those as well, Buttercup and Celandine. It must be telepathy between us. It is so lovely to write about these wonderful flowers, but your great imagination gives them a whole new dimension, with lovely stories all woven so well. I shall look at these flowers in a different way from now on. A very good poem indeed. Love Ernestine XXX

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Sandra Fowler 16 April 2007

Warm, wonderful, and uniquely Sylvia. I am so glad that your beautiful buttercup will live happily ever after. This is one of your very best. Love, Sandra

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Scarlett Treat 16 April 2007

Ah, yes! ! True love...is all in the manner of looking till we find it! ! Like, for instance, the Snail and the Cockney Rose....right? ?

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sylvia spencer

sylvia spencer

woolwich london
follow poet
sylvia spencer
woolwich london
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