A Broken Kite Poem by Tulsi Shrestha

Tulsi Shrestha

Tulsi Shrestha

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Tulsi Shrestha
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A Broken Kite

A Broken Kite
A fickle kite
Desperately needs
Freedom for it.
Flavour of liberation
It likes to taste.
It always think it was enforced
To fly against its own will.
Turbulence forces it to loose its track.
Makes it to walk like drunkard.
But His Master Flyer maneuvers
The enchanting flight of kite.
Through his display of aerodynamic art.
All of sudden, kite shouted
Don't assure the credit and glory of this art
And enclose them within yourself.
I am not your puppet
Let me fly as per my will.
Free me, I want to cross and break
The boundary of all limitation.
The Flyer got shocked and surprised
To notice reverse meaning of
His love, compassion and guardianship.
With tears in his both eyes
He set free kite, along with
The string attached with it.
For a couple of moments
The kite enjoyed movement of freedom
In limitless blue sky.
But, all of sudden, sadly a strong wave of
Turbulence carried it forcefully a few miles away
Isolated it from its beloved near and dear.
Finally it got entangled in
A branch of board leafed tree.
When it tried to free from grip of cruel tree.
Its arms and body got broken.
It perceived itself as a bird with
Broken wings and trapped in prison.
Tears of repentance welled up in its eyes.
"How fool I am! " He confirmed
To misunderstand and link
Love and guardianship with
A symbol of slavery.

Composed by Tulsi Shrestha
@copyright reserved
2019...April 17 ...8.24pm

Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: kite
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Tulsi Shrestha

Tulsi Shrestha

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Tulsi Shrestha
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