(004) A Snake In My Garden Poem by Risha Ahmed (12 yrs)

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Risha Ahmed (12 yrs)

Risha Ahmed (12 yrs)

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Risha Ahmed (12 yrs)
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(004) A Snake In My Garden

Rating: 3.5

One night I was in charge of the house
When my parents had gone out side
I was having loads of fun
With the radio blaring and paper planes that glide
Soon enough I got bored
So I went to the garden for a walk
When suddenly I saw a snake
Just next to a rock
It was definitely a snake
And it was the biggest one I have ever seen
It must have been a mile long
And its body was a sickening shade of green
I called the police, ambulance, fire department,
Forest officials and held a news conference
I waited feeling excited
While I clutched at the fence
Soon enough they poured in
And peered at the snake
They were amazed at its length
But no one the snake would touch or take
They gave me facts every ten minutes about the snake
And it’s a new species discovered, I learned
Just when I was going to have a closer look at the snake
My parents returned
My father looked angrily at the crowd
I got scared and scrunched up my toes
He asked “Can you explain why these people
Are crowding around my garden hose? ”

Patti Masterman 30 January 2009

There is somebody else who always tricks me with poems, and now you are doing it too! Oh, what is the world coming to? I really like this one. You are a master story teller probably from historical genetic lines of story tellers, am I correct?

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Florence P. Wordsmith 30 January 2009

Great poem. I love the twist!

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Shujaat Rahi 09 March 2008

What an interesting event! Oy my...one mile long snake! I'm thrilled, my little brave child! I'm really thrilled! Rahi

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Theresa Moore 12 March 2008

Wonderfully imaginative poem... I love the humor captured in the last line.

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Rajaram Ramachandran 14 March 2008

What a wonderful joke I find at the end. It was a great suspense for me from the start to the end.

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Very funny!

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Mysia Hayling 12 April 2018

nice poem. thanks for sharing. keep writing.

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Mysia Hayling 12 April 2018

interesting piece of work. I enjoyed reading it. keep writing thanks for sharing.

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Abhimanyu Kumar.s 19 November 2017

Narrative technique well squeezed. Good

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Davis Zak 02 February 2009

You can be funny too! Again a 10 from me.

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Risha Ahmed (12 yrs)

Risha Ahmed (12 yrs)

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Risha Ahmed (12 yrs)
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