Phillip Anderson Hamilton

Phillip Anderson Hamilton Poems

I cry and cry,
Tears fall faster,
Than shattered words,
Flying off of fauletering lips,

Eyes so brittle and filled with fire,
He is ready to commence at once and set this world aflame,
Broken By Shame,
Lost in his own mind,

I've seen the darkest of beauty,
I've seen the darkest of days,
Most of my life you can just call unforgivable,

A look that can kill,
The shimmer in your eye,
The step in your walk,
Forget the pain,

Take my hand and hold it tight,
I'll show you the bright side of this darkness,
No reason to flee,
No reason to scream,

Sliding through time and space,
I've become lost in this world,
Without a trace,
These walls are closing in,

These words fall through the cracks,
Because of time we can't take things back,
These mistakes we live day to day,
Leaving behind ghosts of yesterday,

The Best Poem Of Phillip Anderson Hamilton

My Own Tragedies

I cry and cry,
Tears fall faster,
Than shattered words,
Flying off of fauletering lips,
A life of tragedies,
Is my cause for bitter actions,
My heart deep and dark,
As I watch my own world fall apart,
Through the looking glass,
I shudder from scars and marks,
Lost in my own sorrow,
I don't plan to see tomorrow.

Phillip Anderson Hamilton Comments

Phillip Anderson Hamilton Quotes

War is just a game, It's the meal ticket it's self, That costs us the price of existence.

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