He's one of the most sensational poets, full of endorphins whose works of sorts employ the conglomeration of poetry and science. We are much obliged to have him as part of the poetry world.
He's absolutely incredible!
God's creation.
God's creation is so suprasensible
in the sense that there would have not been our existence if the phases of redox reaction akin to life is balanced.
Why do we experience deja vu?
God's creation is so suprasensible
in the sense that there would have not been our existence if the phases of redox reaction akin to life is balanced.
Why do we experience deja vu?
Why do we see things so differently in our sleep?
Her eyes
dilated my convoluted heart
Her smile
How much do I still love you?
How do I employ doctorated words to hemorrhage poetry?
Or to coagulate its representation of life.
May you never break my trust or leave
But if you must break my trust
synchronize in the rivers of my heart to various tributaries
Wherein, remember never did i ever