persian khushi

persian khushi Poems


Let there be light
You came along
And there was light
I told you from the beginning

Through Sad Eyes
Starved and restricted
Born in a concentration camp
Never celebrated a birthday

You are my muse
You were abused
But you are not excused
You are blinded by your pain

Elders hear me loud and clear
I have my rites, you hear
Many paths created
For me to choose from

The dance of hungered love
a dance of the soul
for fulfillment and everlasting love
dance the rapture

Some say, time is none existant.
Allow me to explain
What has happened, yesterday is history

Before she place her hand in his
As he lead her to the dance floor
They sway and twirl to the enchanting music
He whispers sweet nothings in her ear

My Guiding Light
Uncle Dearest
My guiding light

Aleen in die wereld
So eensaam na jy weg is
My hart in stukkies
Gebroke en aleen

Bath in first light
Breathe in the fresh morning air
Exhale last night
Be Grateful

Her love was a fountain
Birthed from a sparkling mountain stream
Now a torrent of raging desire
His touch sending flames through her being

Heavy rain and wind
Lashing against the trees
Shaking and swaying the branches
A beautiful sight

Living in the same city
Will we ever see each other?
We have the same needs
We breath the same air

Only you have the key to my heart
Our souls will never part
This love is one to cherish
These dreams shall never perish


spiralling thoughts
riccochetting of an intense mind
sensless mumurs
peaking chanting

Slippery roads
High speed

Our love, like an ocean
Our smiles
Heart to heart
Our every breath

You said you loved
But you gave strife
You followed me from wall to wall
Clicked my every click

Hearts throbbing rhythmically to this mystical tune,
Heaven's music enfolding
Their heavenly match
A union of heart and soul

Of my soul to be free
My being echoes Your name
My heart yearned to chant the greatness of You
My lips tasted Your Blessings

persian khushi Biography

I've always been in love with life. The beauty of Creator's creation. I am no great philosopher...Merely a student of life...)

The Best Poem Of persian khushi


Let there be light
You came along
And there was light
I told you from the beginning
You glow in the dark
I also told you
You are too good for me
I cherish you
I love you
I will die for you
I'm sorry
It's written upon my heart.

persian khushi Comments

Yussuf Muktar 05 June 2013

I liked your poem. Its symbolism carries a wonderful message; life and the changes it undergoes. True? Kindly read my poems and share your comments with me. Thanks.

14 0 Reply

persian khushi Quotes

Oh no mighty oak, I love thee, Reared and played around your wise trunk Years of stories and dreams I've yet to live

Moonlight Rendezvous The moon light's the nocturnal path for beloveds' to dance vampires to hunt moths to caress the crowns of blooming moon flowers and for restful beauty sleeps

I do not wish anymore, I want what my heart desires My mind is set on you

I find it impossible to hate, though I keep my distance, I pray for the well being of my worst enemy.

the clouds in your eyes, are the tears in mine

When you feel sad and and you don't know why, but it feels as though you have lost your best friend, fall on your knees and speak to Allah swt, His door is always open.

Success in not your bank balance, Or your worldly gain but it is about how many will remember, love and miss you years after your demise.

When a wife is respected and loved as promised to Allah swt, she becomes ten times the woman she was, the coolness of her husband's eyes. and visa versa, the husband to his wife

When I can't sleep I spend time in prayer and remember all those who asked for dua' to reflect and make istighfar(ask forgiveness) for my transgression I get lost in thoughts bouncing off the corridors of my mind the words flow like an endless waterfall

Al Qur'an is my way of life, Kalimah Shahadah defines me My hijab(headscarf) liberates me Though Islam will be a stranger to this world My last breath will be Allah swt and Beloved Rasool saw

when you smile, my heart sings when you say my name, the butterflies come alive

Two hearts bound is true love found every moment counts in a material world this is profound

Count your blessings of five senses, breathing and being alive. Accept your present God takes care of tomorrow.

Let not you be consumed in darkness ignore the darkness push it away see the flowers bloom halos bright crowning illuminated faces surrendered souls to the Divine Throne

I gazed into his eyes and fell in love with his soul. There I drowned in the pureness of his love, Deep as the ocean, Light as bubbles in the breeze.

Glass slipper was too Big He held out a glass slipper for her to fit Eyes could see that it was too big for her feet She could not fill the shoes of the women he had been with "She was worth a thousand Khurul ‘Ayn" And not to be played with His regret

the moon is high the night is cool the pool inviting for a moonlight swim

the clouds in your eyes are the tears in mine the ache in your chest is my bleeding heart

Heal Yourself There is a place you can go to, to heal A place deep within yourself Don't be afraid you'll find your way Reach within Follow your light

Divine Love Molded to each other's beings No spaces in between They love deeply and passionately With their souls, they knew How to love and please The chain that binds them forever is Divine Love

"On my pillow" Your kiss, from dreams a long time ago a hug, a tender caress, only in dreams. I confess to watching the gentle rise and fall of your chest as you slept Peacefully and soundlessly I wished that I was inside your mind to travel in your dreams Cherished moment, on my pillow...

The sun turns to water, The evenings grow colder, A time to snuggle up together, In front of the fireplace, Recite poetry from our souls to our hearts.

Time 'I have travelled through the ages I have seen many faces I will remain after all are gone I am time'

Only a Whisper Away He sent me kisses to place on my heart The breeze whispered his words of love in my ears

'You are my home' My heart stopped by you when I fell in love I touched my fingers too my lips then placed a kiss on yours Your embrace warm and inviting, held me gently Your finger under my chin as your gaze caress my face Same as the sun on dew drop fields In the circle of your love where I am home

'I AM STRONG' The world at my feet Many hurdles I will face I can do this on my own I AM STRONG Now I live for me alone My moments of success and joy

I feel warm and sunbathed in your smiles when we walk into each other's arms hold each other ever so tightly

Tracing Circles around your belly button tickles you awake around and around the swirls of life fluctuate with every breath every step

Flat tire stilettos painted nails white evening dress half a dozen cars pulled up others honked in passing

At the full moon he howled In the distance dry twigs crunched Snout creased From powerful jaws Deadly fangs As he once again Circled possessively around my calves My wolf companion

The awakening of true Love Is like Sunrise Melting away the tears of loneliness Bathing the heart in Divine Light

sometimes Sometimes beautiful things enter into our lives, not from nowhere but a Divine Blessing from our Creator.

Loneliness in a crowd, is the worst kind of loneliness. You socialize with a painted smile, longing to be by yourself.

Morning Calm The breeze a floral fragrance Hem of dress like petals swaying flowing along in gracefully strides Blissful beds of lavender fields

When he asked me to dance i refused only because i knew, that we would meet again.

love, we are as the colours of the rainbow, infused, without the other the rainbow will be incomplete.

Sometimes I retreat from the world, not because I am depressed or anti-social, but because I feel like being by myself, it equals a holiday, besides, I enjoy my own company. I spend hours reading and enjoying nature. © Roshan

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