I am an ex-teacher (of all ages from 3 to 18) , and a member of a Poetry Workshop group - so I have to write at least once a month! You will find all kinds of poetry here, extracted from many years of writing. There are set forms and free, humorous, serious, romantic... so if you keep looking you should find something you like! I have self-published 2 books which sell locally (at least covering my expenses) , and am working towards a third. Some individual pieces have been printed in magazines and newspapers (including the Daily Mail) , I have been invited to read my work at the Cheltenham Festival of Literature, and have won a couple of prizes for my poetry.
If you read somebody’s poem and it makes you want to say,
“I think this piece is wonderful; it really made my day, ”
just go ahead and say it – feedback like this is good,
but saying WHY you like it will please them (well, it should) .
The one who should have lived has gone so fast.
The old ones, in their dotage, linger on –
they, with no future, live only in the past.
This is my husband, my mother said
to the nurse with pride,
only she meant me.
Everyone in the day-room knew
I was only seventeen, and you were about the same,
and I knew nothing about you – I barely knew your name.
But I looked at you, and you looked at me, and we looked at each other, and then…
I knew, the first time you smiled at me, I wanted to see you again.