Partha Pratim Goswami

Partha Pratim Goswami Poems

A free soul-
Buried deep in mirth
Surmounts all the woe

When dark becomes darker
Hovering awaits longer
Thirst gets scorched without quench
And claim abates in a trance.

On the way of this lovely world
You came across me,
On the faint audience
Of your loving word

It is just a move
From the extreme dark
To twinkling light;

Don't you see-
The clouds are dark
The stars hurt
The mountains cry

Burning sun blazes
With its full intensity
Over my dozed head!

When the blood-red heart wails in heavy rain

The crisscross of her face glistens with an intriguing smile.


I run with the world
Very fast and far.

I find myself in the seventh heaven
Thinking- I have made it
The way I deem…


I am the hidden current
Drifting on and on,

My heart is…………
A year without rain,
A ship without the radar,
A joker without joy,

The rays,
Bright, sharp and straight,
Strike that glass-
Coated with the black

The tranquility of exquisite beauty lies-
In the black pearls of those red eyes
In the warm heart residing in mellow seas
In the mushy flashes of her lovely smiles

Promises shine with Northern aurora
And I run amidst the cold
Breaking the frosty silence
With little footsteps, silently!

Difficult to stand
It's difficult to stand
On a destined height
Like an erect pillar


Standing another sleepless night

Under a purdah of cluttering clouds
The Jupiter emerges at Orion
And a meteor runs across the sky;
They're hiding in warmth, for

Resembling the coldness of the adolescent moon
On some waxing or waning crescent,
She was just phenomenal through insight
And also in the semblance.

These deaths cling to thrones and
Minds dance wildly in illusion,
Though slightly envisaged, but now
Smitten hard with languish and lesion-

Complicated! Yes it's for me and her,
For all those who are swept
By the plea of war and its glory;
This forgery of splendor and romance

The Best Poem Of Partha Pratim Goswami

A Free Soul

A free soul-
Buried deep in mirth
Surmounts all the woe

And dreams infinite
To mend the wound
That squirts over mind
And poisons its frame.

A free soul-
Delirious with queries
Of authentic facts

And anxious about the world
Wanders beyond measure
Through mountains and valleys
And sails in the heart
Of the great sea;
To seek for a pearl
Of knowledge and wisdom.

A free soul-
Enriched with grief
Accumulated over the ages

Through laxity and exploitation
Of some cruel authority
Banished from all morality,
Quashes the former
Agitating with great revolution.

A free soul-
Builds and burns
With its immense power

And reforms the land
Sticking to its vision
Of cure, courage and unison,
At the turn of the tide
Smiting the ruin of all evil.

Partha Pratim Goswami Comments

donal trump 01 November 2018

great poem, keep going, stay in school

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Partha Pratim Goswami Quotes

What one eats cannot be a measure of his character, but the words or sound that he spells do represent his character.

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