J-ust view the ocean,
A-s waves crash onto the rocks,
I-t's nice to the eyes.
A-mazing sea creatures
L-ive in the ocean blue;
V-iew of corals on the bottom
I-s seen like fresh and
E-arly Monday morning,
D-ecember nineteenth day;
G-ray clouds don't gather,
A-s the rain turns into a
B-etween satan and deep ocean
R-efrain to gaze or look;
Y-our life will surely be blue
A-nd be brought to the
A-s the waste is thrown
T-o the river and ocean,
M-aking trash return.
A-n ocean of serenity
N-ever brings a rugged wind;
N-o coal clouds above,
A-s the cold raindrops end.
B-eautiful view of the ocean
E-xcites your heart and mind;
T-he sorrow early Saturday
H-as been left behind.
S-ilent ocean on Wednesday
H-as been bathed by sunshine;
I-t's a beautiful morn,
E-ver good weather's sign.
The sea flows around
the land mass of the known world
in high or low tide.
The salty water
sleeps without a single sound
as waves are not seen.
In ocean view the air is clear,
The sun is up as rays appear,
Zephyr comes from the western wind,
Gently blowing with kiss to send
S-ail across the widest ocean,
H-igh or low tide happens;
I-n spite of the vast water,
E-nd of voyage is in your sense.
S-ail across the ocean,
N-ever fear the deep blue sea;
O-n Sunday February eleventh,
O-pen water is an opportunity.
B-eautiful view of the ocean
E-liminates the gray and blue;
C-omfort cancels your sadness,
K-eeping it away from
J-ust cross the wide blue ocean,
A-llow not your dreams to fail;
N-ever fear the brewing storm,
E-ven the waves during your sail.