Nate Carter

Nate Carter Poems

Rising, falling, loving and hating,
Living, dying, giving and taking.
What tomorrow brings, we cannot know,
By faith we must walk, by wounds we must grow.

Horses tethered to each taut appendage,
The time draws near for my final hemorrhage.

At the crossroads do I stand,
Head in heart and heart in hand.
More than I have, do they demand.
I'm broken.

This cloak I wear, by day and by night,
Though warm it not, nor its burden light.

It hangs on my bones, as a drunk female sailor,

Ripping and pulling, this way and that,
Scratching and tearing, what’s got into that cat?

Never have I seen a small feline so queer,

Through my window peers, the eyes of the moon,
Its pupils as shadows, dance through my room.
Weightless, sanguine, pure, and carefree,
Moon beams know not sorrow, nor fear gravity.


We all wear masks upon our faces,
Painted sheathes to hide disgraces,
Painstakingly forged in the crucible of our souls.

Honesty is a bottomless ocean,
Unbridled it will stir emotion;
An oft ignored but curious notion,
Strong enough to crush devotion,

Why oft in darkness do I seem to live?
Eschewing the light that He freely gives.

Onward I plod, my perspective myopic,


Little man full of life, full of wonder and love;
Excited to touch the white clouds above.

Away from the gate, we softly proceed;

Nate Carter Biography

I am a dad of two awesome boys. Currently separated, and finding my way. Taking a stab at writing has been helpful as I walk through the many changes I have been struggling with as of late.)

The Best Poem Of Nate Carter

God's Helpers

Rising, falling, loving and hating,
Living, dying, giving and taking.
What tomorrow brings, we cannot know,
By faith we must walk, by wounds we must grow.

For each of our paths are not the all the same,
Some walk in darkness, enduring much pain.
While others skip foolishly, down the primrose path,
With thoughts only of self and the next wad of cash.

But then there are others, sojourning souls,
Who live to spread mercy and fill life’s great holes.
These are those angels who make our lives bearable,
By their compassion and love, hearts are repairable.

Count yourself blessed if you meet such an angel,
Embrace what they share, and to your own self be faithful.
Notwithstanding this gift of divine help and aid,
Much work lies ahead, but rest! Your fears are allayed.

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