I STILL SEE NO 'USUAL' way to send you a message. Do you not wish to have some? aka Do you wish not to have some? ;) Thanks for the comments on my poem 'Shoulders'. bri : )
I wish to send u a message.Many many heartful thanks for reading and your comments with your nice explanation.
I left comments and stars at Agony And Ecstasy Coexist. I don't find a place on the poem's page to 'click' to send you a message. Hmm?
I am compelled to delete your comments after reading them in order to read all your comments.Perhaps poemhunter has reduced the space for comments.
'Thanks for the comment on 'I'm Sorry..'. I'm always glad to be able to help someone in a worthwhile pursuit. I like it when people offer help to me! : )
Thank you for your impressive poems, they are constantly in my TOP 5 STARS, jewels to read, so very pity that our time is limited (our job etc) , but for your responses on my poems I have constantly great appreciations, Dr. Dash. I like your honesty most.
The poet detects jewels from sand which no one even can see.
I am very deeply touched and rewarded by your beautiful and numerous comments for my simple poems. And truthfully very honored. May virtue, beauty and kindness always shine upon you and God's blessings as well.