Mr. M Jamal

Mr. M Jamal Poems

Ah! The life that is full of troubles
Troubles that many won't share
To share a trouble is a 'trouble' for them
Disdainful are such issues for them

I cant't see her cry
For when she cries
All the happiness in the world
Seems lost

Caressing me gentle
Overflowing energy
Flying on the wings strong
Fleeing doom of laziness

Who is that fella, a giant big lark?
Squabbling over issues in the park.
When asked about the matter
More angrier he getter

Fluttering my heart beat
On mention of dead
Ravaging ideas torrential
Enticed to my mind

Greetings my fellow Americans
I say unto all
wearing my heart
upon my sleeves

Morning first fresh breeze
Refreshing joy coming forth seized

Whisperings of an unknown pleasure

Look, there drops on
Earth blood red and cold.
Irony of the moment that
Every single being still stand

She speaks
Never in a monotone
but in a softer mood
combined with alluring schoon.

Why we have to think so much
Allured by moment of torturing touch

Occasions forcing us into thought drive

Traveling along the road long
Wearied, tired by travel lone
I came across a land unseen where
Neither soul smiled nor cherished


Love is never lasting long
Obvious universal reality
At times it vanquishes
Truth be told


'A form of music that is worst! '
Blather a mass of people asserting
that it is nothing but a front
for drugs and illicit acts.

'Good Morning fellows' we start the day
and turn our attention to newspaper for today
Opening first page, we hope to read a good news
Instead we see a 6 column 'catastrophe', 'corruption'

Look at that pretty lady on the stage

With dress sweet she spreads her charm

Callous my judgements! Living in regret,
Wish I could make things all right,
Dawn of an age passes, suns of hope set,
Callous my judgements, living in regret,

I loved
Till all sky shed tears in rain
A memory washed away
of glorious

When heart's broken
and hope fades
All the candles blown
Darkness spreads

The Best Poem Of Mr. M Jamal

Sleeping Pills

Ah! The life that is full of troubles
Troubles that many won't share
To share a trouble is a 'trouble' for them
Disdainful are such issues for them
and goes there discussion in vain.
But what if the same ruckus hunts us
In sleep that we enjoy.
For all that menace be seen at sleep
be a horrible nightmare...
To sleep deep, plunging in Delta waves
Leaving shores of melancholic gains..
Depression, anxiety may wear all down
But still a companion that we can rely.
'Sleeping pills' we can trust right on
There is no shame in having a blissful night.

Mr. M Jamal Comments

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