Michelle Marie Hyde

Michelle Marie Hyde Poems

There is.......

A time to write,
A time to listen,

Icy hands caress my face,
My heart begins to race.
Held fast in a warm embrace,
Crimson lips touch my face.

Why do you come to me in my sleep?
My dark angel, my sweet
Why do you hide from the light?
Why do you only venture out at night?

Shhh! ! you can not tell.
For this is a secret that I have hidden very well.
There is a guy that I like.
It is all so new that it gives me a fright.

I watch you from a distance,
Never coming to close,
I don't know this feeling,
I get when you walk past.

What have you done to me?
A black cloud of betrayal as thoughts writhe.
Once we savored heaven,
innocent and untainted,

Before the smell of hot pavement and car exhaust,
Before the bees start buzzing while the birds sing their morning songs,
While the dew is still fresh and the morning light is new.

I watched you grow,
My sweet little boy,
And now I know,
That your life is not a toy.

A tortured tyrant
A masked murderer
Secret and silent
Growing against darkness

I am gone, but not forgotten.
In this world of constant chaos, we found each other.
Together we were happy and memories we have shared.
Forever we will remember,

I dance in shadows
I strive for life
Give me your love
Give me your sacrifice.

I seek the silence of the shadows I once embraced.
Once more I walk a lonely path and all of my light is gone.
How I wish I could remember how it felt in that moment of splendor.
To feel the arms of my love around me once more and to know his kiss upon my lips.

My heart races as you draw near.
Your touch is like lightening,
Sparks send shivers everywhere.
My knees grow weak as you pull me near.

Shattered and broken,
I lie on the ground,
Wishing at times,
That you were not around,

Like a sunset in fall I fade into the shadows.
Quietly, unnoticed, invisible.
Softly I weep as I accept the cruel, cold, and uncaring fate that life has given me.
Why do I continue to hope for something better?

She beckons to the night,
In a cold and lifeless manner.
Knowing she can never share,
Her feelings with anyone.

If only the words said could come true.
Life would be a better and more wonderful place.
Oh how I wish I could see things through,
But is my hope misplaced?

You have gone,
And time is blind.
The world is forgotten,
As to heaven you climb.

The pavement makes no sound,
As we dance upon the silver ground.
Your skin is so pale,
So fragile and frail.

Michelle Marie Hyde Biography

As a young child I was always fascinated with poetry. I grew up with a lot of Edgar Allen Poe's work and one of Longfellow's poems called Paul Reveres Ride. I was first inspired to write poems as a sixth grade homework assignment and with the help of my teacher I found I had a natural ability for it. Since then I have written many poems inspired by the events that have occured over my lifetime.)

The Best Poem Of Michelle Marie Hyde

There Is A Time To.....

There is.......

A time to write,
A time to listen,
A time to learn,
A time to play,

A time to read,
A time to see,
A time to lead,
A time to sleep,

A time to be happy,
A time to be mad,
A time to be silly,
A time to be sad.

A time to wake,
A time to stay,
A time to talk,
A time to walk.

A time to help,
A time to hurt,
A time to scheme,
A time to dream,

A time to make a difference,
A time to love,
A time to try,
A time to die

A time to wonder,
A time to want,
A time to live,
A time to do something.

There is always going to be a time,
But will you do something when that time comes?

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