Melissa Patty Quotes

Life is far too short to waste. Live each breath, live each hour, live each moment.

Nothing is impossible to do if you put your mind to it.

Let your imagination run freely, go on whatever journey you desire.

Journey through life is a path of walking in the right direction. But wherever we go there is always a setback. 'Its never too late to get back on the right path and carry on were you left off.

Waking up everyday is a brand new adventure....

I will write until not a single word remains in my soul...until every story in my heart has been told...until my minds well if ideas is bone dry...and even then I will write on because writing is not just something I do, But part of who I am.

I am an artist... Driven by passion Seized by obsession Delighted by creation Entrailed with expression Entraced by vision Diverted by daydreams Filled with emotion Fuiled by compulsion Consumed by beauty and blindsighted by Inspiration Welcome to my mind.

We dance for laughter, we dance for tears, we dance for madness, we dance for fears, we dance for hopes, we dance for screams, we are the dancer's, we create the dreams. ---Albert Einstein

"Poetry is the most captivating tool we can use into our emotions, we can truly dive deep into a journey that only yourself can tell it's story and come to its conclusion"

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