Meenu Alex

Meenu Alex Poems


I am thinking of water now, today
Like a seagull its the salty taste
Its salt smell
Its moist vapors and for its crusty feel

Daughters of freedom
Fetch some feathers of tender thoughts
To soothe the wounded hearts of dark despair
To tell the earth to look at the blue sky

I had known Jennifer during the degree
She was the one who laughed in wild ecstasy
When the sea wind ruffled her hair
The ship was named after her

A new day
A new time
Old dreams in new smile
Sweet thoughts and love songs

I see myself in the mirror
The mirror image
Suddenly I am aware of the somebody
Lurking behind me with foolish thoughts


Love was once the epitome of intense emotion
Now no more
I am totally perplexed!
The what how and whos of love

Listen for a while to the unwailing of my broken heart
Seriously injured and tattered to the core
It now awaits something to clutch on
The world is so unfair sometimes

The flood came before rain
Then I knew
Things now take on a topsy turvy course
Memories got etched before dreams

The windows were kept open during the whole evening
Expecting the return of the monsoon rain….
Violet was the flower of love
Violet loved a vagabond and was lost in finding him

Please don’t bother
I am not a writer
I have no intentions to reform the world
Why, I am not even skeptic who

It was quite unmusical and clumsy like a crushing sound of the fried snacks
There was an intermittent jerk, gritty brakes in between
Squeaky shrieks in the end
The default settings were at loser’s end

It was a perfect fitting frame for the loss
The words could only tell it in slants though.
Yes! We are but a tiresome folk who could express
Only half truths!

Somewhere somebody waited for someone
The waiting broke her heart
And the blood tinged with pain
Oozed out from every pores and hair roots.

march ahead
cool hurdles
smirky faces
dusty road

Things are falling apart
It had fallen apart already
who is to blame?
I cant be, this time, for i was willing to go on

Once I defeated myself
This time it is people who defeated me
Once I blamed myself
This time I dont know who is to blame!

The rivers have sung a powerful song
A song of fury
The song that echoed even in the mountain peaks
One with red flames


</>Hey Isabel
Friend of Jennifer
beloved of Marvin of Oak trees
A fan of Ulysses

Let there be peace in times of chaos
Let there be love in times of despair
Let all turn out to be for good
Let us rejoice!

Knowing in my heart that I can change it
For good
Listening to the murmurs of the waves
For ever

Meenu Alex Biography

Hi, me from Kerala, India...interested in literature, books, music and friends..I believe in the freedom of expression.I believe my poetry 'cos it finds me a space I enjoy..Though the world sometimes appears not so welcoming, I love the world, not because of my magnanimity, but I am enchanted forever in its mysterious ways.. Of poems; 'It is a song composed by contemplation And published by silence, And shunned by clamor, And folded by truth, And repeated by dreams, And understood by love, And hidden by awakening, And sung by the soul! ' (Khalil Gibran))

The Best Poem Of Meenu Alex


I am thinking of water now, today
Like a seagull its the salty taste
Its salt smell
Its moist vapors and for its crusty feel
I wait till the end
Until the smoke leaves the white crystal
The benevolent sun gives a rainbow in my hand
You are my salt
You are the salt of the earth
You are my crystalline dreams
My heart!
Crisp, pure, throbbing life
you hid something precious inside
The sunflower turned the slender
seductive neck towards the sea
The salt and its smell
A young wild tiny flower walked on its heels
and called me from the ground
I knelt down and opened my hands
to the flower, , , salt and its smell
Then we laughed together..

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