I have read a couple of poems written by Meena Kandasamy and was impressed by the force with which she has treated her subjects- some of which are considered taboo in our society. She represents the woman of today- bold, expressive, demanding parity with men and dignity of a normal human being. She stands against oppression.
Dear Meena, I felt a great sisterhood in you the moment I went through your poem. I wish a very long poetic life ahead, which will keep the world of women aware of their power, their weakness and the will.
Being born in a community likely regarded as the so called upper caste Hindus I may not be able to empathize with the plight of those who were unprivileged and were born 'outcasts'. i may not even wholly be able to comprehend their anger, agitation and vulnerability. But as a woman regardless of any community/caste that has been connived to be endowed upon me through hereditary, I too belong to a sect 'marginalized and discriminated'. and i really do believe that every exploitation that births itself by losing humanity finds refugee through corruption; corruption in every field, be it politics, education, or any reputable professions (beginning with drainage cleaners) . Miss Meena's agitation demands an immediate solution and i believe it would be answered only through annihilation of exploitations beginning with corruption. Lets not be hideous when it comes to revealing how the world really works! Ofcourse the world is not fair and square! ! ! Yes corruption in every class, caste, community, race and gender. Money smiles in each and everyone's life; and it smiles brighter upon those who bribe. The ultimate truth though!
incredible.quintessential; of course You saw the secret. Discovered the Hidden. versatile. You are one of the full many flower born to blush and seen. I am proud of you. Now I am not abashed to share for being one among st You. Believe me you are good influencer. God bless you. Kindly keep going.(Article May 2013, India Today 'Woman', page 29 nicely portrays You..)
Miss Meena, Your boldness, courage, and strength, remembering me as Kamaladas, you are a Little Kamaladas,
genuine talent.