MAZID.S.KAZI is an Indian poet in English. He was born on 8\10\1951 in Rattihalli, Dist: Haveri, Karnataka State India. He completed his graduation in English in Karnatak college of Karanatak University Dharwad. Mazid s kazi was the Principal of S.A.Q. High School Bankapur, Dist-Haveri, Karnataka, INDIA. He is the strict follower of William Shakespeare, John Milton, E.A.Robinson and John Keats the great poets. MAZID.S.KAZI expresses his own feelings, ideas and emotions in his poetical style. He has published his first edition called 'Indian poetry in English' in 2006.
I wish to express my deep feelings to MAZID.S.KAZI, who has taken pains to produce the poems.I wish him further to create such other works of English literature. The themes of poems that he has produced are about the mankind and man's righteousness towards 'The God'.I have gone through the poems and found that MAZID.S.KAZI's poems have worth. God bless him for his forth coming opportunities to bring out such literary works.
Mazid S Kazi
Indian culture is the best like gold.
India hath need of cultured men.
A gun or bomb may convert into a pen.
Educated men have a royal hold.
Sex sex sex a few men or women boys or girls run after sex illegal.
Due to a silly mistake their life becomes a great guilty hell.
We are human beings so that our activities should be legal.
We must have good mind and good heart to understand the feelings of all.
A student life is a golden life, truly it is told.
The student who has a golden crown of his study.
Would be a great man in his life with a great hold.
Otherwise an idle student becomes a wild rowdy.
A teacher is the best artist of the child.
He is also the real builder of our Nation.
If his statue fails, the child becomes wild.
Then, what about the future of our Nation?
All of a sudden my death attacked me harshly.
And smothered me violently with a vital-force.
My body lay breathless on the bed in agony.
However I recovered and pushed the death with all force.