Marilyn Shepperson

Marilyn Shepperson Poems

The fighting is over, the battle is won
Overhead the crows are gathering
The dead lay like a grisly carpet
Those not dead groan or cry and pray softly

As night falls, the bats do flit
From the old belfry tower
A barn owl silently ghosts
Across the flowery meadow

As I wander down the lonely road of life
I wonder why all I've ever had
Is a truck load of strife


There is a power in taking
But more power in giving
There is a power in revenge
But more power in forgiving

I'm sorry for all the things I did
And all the things I tried to do
Don't worry; I've learnt my lesson well
They say, no good deed goes unpunished

Sit back, relax, let your mind go free
Chasing down the paths of poetry
Tumble thoughts around in your head
Wonder whether to use this word or that

All day the sky had been
Mediterranean blue
But then the evening breeze brought in
One tiny dark grey cloud

The daytime was drifting over
As the sun began to sink
Like a phoenix in it's flamming nest
The oystercatchers pipping

Too early for some, too late for others
Even the many stars were dulled
With the lake below, a sullen thing
But then the moon arose

There was this plain, straight sword
In a glass case with others of its' ilk
But what made this one stand out
Were the many nicks along its' blade

Where I was I do not know
But I saw him standing there
Still time did ebb and flow
Yet time had no meaning there

The stump of a horse chesnut tree
Sits in the long grass beside a path
That has simply been made
By countless numbers of passing feet

It's not just the mountains
Beautiful, awe-inspiring, old as time
Or the quiet mind calming lakes
That they call lochs

A savage cry hit the air
Rumbling away like distant thunder
She had smelt a male cat approach her lair
So she gave him a warning, a promise

Ralph had a horrible nightmare
In which a demon was chasing him
But when he told his friends at the pub
They just laughed and said, 'It's only a dream'

It starts high up in the mountains
Coming down as a rivulet
Till it reaches the granite wall
And comes over the lip

I had been sent to write a report
Upon the old music hall
Having been allowed inside the dilapidated building
I sat alone in the front of the stalls

Come with me. along a path I know
That runs beside a deep narrow river
That in places is only a stream
Into which twiggy alders and willows

The old apothecary's shop is a wonderous place
With boxes, tins and jars filling the shelves
And an battered chest of drawers full of marvellous smells
There's one bay window in which stand

Do any of us truly wear our own face
Whether we are indoors among those closest to us
Or in or out among those we think we know
And out among those we definately do not

Marilyn Shepperson Biography

Living now in North Wales and a grand mother. My life long wish has always been to be a paperback writer, but I cannot afford it.)

The Best Poem Of Marilyn Shepperson

Killing Fields

The fighting is over, the battle is won
Overhead the crows are gathering
The dead lay like a grisly carpet
Those not dead groan or cry and pray softly
Worst of all is the heart rending whimpering
Of men knowing they are about to die and are afraid
The victors celebrate in the great hall
With drink and food in plenty
Raising glasses to the glorious dead
What's glorious about it?
The losers, in chains, sit bemused
Trying to work out where they went wrong
Exhausted horses in the stables
Stand with heads hanging low
To tired to eat, barely able to drink
But Man will always find an excuse to fight man
For freedom, for greed, for religion, for love, for land
And though those that have won are glad
Relieved to be alive to see this victory
Yet at this moment, the only true winners
Are the crows that are now descending.

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