mandy sotwili

mandy sotwili Poems

It is sad how you wish to see my face
You walk slowly towards the door
Stepping on eggs so carefully
How I wish I could go inside your heart

n moments like these
I cud just wallow in self pity
Cry so endlessly in iscolation.
Feel yo pain as my heart beats strongly, louder each second I take a step closer to reality.


I was so mad thinking I could ever make it with you
So many promises you never fulfilled
But why promise if you know its beyond your power?

mandy sotwili Biography

I grew up I Port Elizabeth with my aunt The situation was so hard but she tried her best I went to dower college and studied Human resources Management. I consider myself a writer not a poet. I feel poetry is for master minds, people who have experienced it all... I write about my life, my pains & my being I have always expressed myself in writing lET THE INK ON OUR FEATHERS WRITE ON...)

The Best Poem Of mandy sotwili

Blind Father

It is sad how you wish to see my face
You walk slowly towards the door
Stepping on eggs so carefully
How I wish I could go inside your heart
Feel your pain as u hold that stick on you hand.

You look around and call out my name
From that moment I feel your love
Even behind th darkness
You can still feel my presence
I know, no matter how much I have grown, I'll always be your little girl

Its sad what growth takes away from us, happy moments we have shared
You have seen me grow into a mature woman.
And now you will never see me in my gown.

I respect you as a father, grand father
Your friends respect you as a brother
My mom- a good husband.

You have brought us up with pride
With respect that we may refer to our elders ' father, mother & sister'

Oh! Man of integrity, pride& honor
Oh! How I love you

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