Malaya Roses

Malaya Roses Poems

Bright moon was here,
Before a sandy lies
After the lips of hatred
Telling aloud

The songs are calling
Heavenly seduction
The love is appealing
Honest or lucid

What was done?
Upon me, I am bleeding
From skull to toe, I am dying.

Are you blind or eyes were gone
In lust or many more
To grab the dust of grass
Filling your never ending desire

Fly high my kite
Taste the air
Touch the clouds
At once

Why am I here?
Standing still
At a port of sadness
No words could be heard

Some lies are meant for good
Some lies are meant for bad
Some truth made to provoke
Some truth made to invade

Sand or soil
I want your death
At this knee
Bend to seven seas of regret

Dearest love
Could you plait the stitches
On my skinless bone and flesh
The bleeding heart

I am sending my love
To the world
Green grass is about to grow
Golden sunrise is showering the last

You can't hold me! !
Cos over you is nothing
Been everywhere in this earth
You are still nothing

Is not only to create
But to nurture
To care

Solitude in grey
Almost here
Undefined portrait of beauty
Mesmerizing wave was silent


Write to the wall
Living death
Could be here with passion
Compassion to survive

Feel me in this fire of tears
Nothing cold
Nothing frozen
Only her departure re-crushes me into ashes.

Many have to bear witness of that moment
Death is coming fast
Agony is real
Invitation of suffocation

Ready to meet me
A simple truth
In this simple life
But complicated in risk

Constrict me not
Embrace the eminent
Renown your birth of the anticipated smile
Life is possibilities.


Tell me more about your journey
Life and death might be a surviving legacy
Love to hear
Love to dear

Malaya Roses Biography

I was born in a mixed parentage family. I have to learn and live with 4 different culture, custom, language, color and perspective at the same time. Advocating kindness to all with no prejudice is my aim. Freedom with justice is more valuable with the affirmative modesty and wisdom. Living my live with passion and compassion I’m nothing more than a servant of humanity. Malaya Roses)

The Best Poem Of Malaya Roses

A Foolish Step

Bright moon was here,
Before a sandy lies
After the lips of hatred
Telling aloud
Cloudy summer
Anticipation was kneading hard
Prejudice on dice
Gamble of jealousy
Might be a finale
Our suffocation,
At large
We lost everything
Mislaid the same moon
After the dusk
Nothingness is due
Resentment was more
Entranced by greed,
Foolish step is always taken.

© All Rights Reserved

Malaya Roses Comments

Mohammad Muzzammil 01 January 2011

A poetess who writes poems that are appealing and attractive, having nice combination of old and new matters. The expression is too good to appreciate.

7 1 Reply
Wahab Abdul 18 March 2012

Really found this poetess an exceptionally different the way she puts the things, the ideas, the concepts, the themes in the poems, she is in her style an ultramodern, good phraseology, nice epithet and proper than perfect diction, i see her as an extraordinarily talented poetess, and she has good hands in the field of criticism, i wish her success in both the field.

7 2 Reply
Ibnu Din Assingkiri 21 December 2011

A resourceful poet who produced works in diverse and broad themes. The poet is a sharp social critic, outspoken and authoritative writer. The poet highlights, real-time issues, around the world and provide empathy through the poems she wrote. This is definitely the result of extensive studies and research. The poet is a sensitive and passionate on the production of poetry that is born from the utmost sincerity. As an audience, I can feel the touch of her poetry. As a researcher, I found that her works are rich in style and accurate words selection to deliver her thoughts. I am proud to have such a poet from my own country, Malaysia.

10 2 Reply
Lynn Glover 12 February 2011

I have discovered over the past months, a poetess that has a wide range of caring for nature, humanity and most of all her love of God. Her writings depict one of the strongest voices for little children that makes her unique in todays world. I extend my best wishes to her with hopes that her work will continue for many, many years. Malaya Rose we honor your work.

11 3 Reply
Ken E Hall 12 February 2011

A poet of new approaches in words and thought a hard worker and her poems are original works..I think maybe a little too much time spent in front of the computer for healths sake...I agree with Mohd 'By and large her poetry is an example of her versatile genius'

6 1 Reply
Mohammad Akmal Nazir 16 January 2011

The poetess has an innovative and revolutionary mind. And she incarporates this attribute in her poetry very artistically. She raises voice against injustice and opression. She condemns dictatorship and supports the values of democracy in her poems. Being a human being her heart also kindles with the flame of love and she kindles her poetry with this love. By and large her poetry is an example of her versatile genius.

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