Oh all the kinds of cupcakes,
Filled with sugar and sweet.
They're all sorts of flavors,
And my favorite treat.
Think about music,
It's a very beautiful thing.
It can fill you with emotions,
And make you want to sing.
Buttons and zippers,
Meant to lock you away.
Keep you shut up,
With nothing to say.
I'm a flower with crimson petals.
They bask in the sunlight,
And shine a vibrant red.
People stop to admire me,
The Carnival is fun,
I really like the Ringmaster's son.
The boy's quite a catch,
Anything he threw I'd fetch.
Purple is the color of love,
Purple is the color I dream of.
Purple is the color of passion,
Purple is the latest fashion.
I sit by the poppies,
Staring into a green pool.
I hear the wind blowing,
The breeze is quite cool.
The icecube does freeze.
It stings like the many thousands of bees.
Oh how it burns thine hand of mine,
She's truely blossomed,
Into a beautiful flower.
The fire in her eyes,
Is meant to devour.
You're Bittersweet,
You know that?
Like chocolate on my tongue.