Luke Fellner

Luke Fellner Poems

No matter how dark the day,
at the end of it,
the night is always darker.


Coloring the night sky,
as if ink drops blooming through water>
A red tint, bright and obnoxious to the time.
Set out to set light on my shortcomings.

Unknown to be coming.


Purple pier

This Purple pier
full of ever-lasting wonder,


Take parts from mine,
repair your damaged heart.

My heart was your all,

A night without you,
a sheep without its shepherd.

Although, this night has come,

Crumbs in your hand,
a bird will peck, hurting you 
not because it wants to,
not because it was 'brought up like that'.

These days
forever expanding
In upon themselves.

Roses are red
violets are blue
but is this beauty true?


Titta tatta
soft drizzle
wetting hair
droplet filled grass

There is a man.
Tall and mysterious
drenched in cloth,
carrying a cane

Race to ground,
little droplets.
Fall from high.
High above the ground.

The Best Poem Of Luke Fellner

Day End

No matter how dark the day,
at the end of it,
the night is always darker.

No matter how illuminated the night,
at the end of it,
the day always has more light.

And so goes with life.

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