by LJK
Impossible hope, a glimmer, a sign.
That never would happen, you can't cross the line.
Love yourself even though its hard
This you must learn, and don't disregard
Into the Further you must go
Beyond comfort zones your spirit will grow
Impossible Hope
by LJK
Impossible hope, a glimmer, a sign.
That never would happen, you can't cross the line.
Auspicious, suspicious, delicious align.
Impossible hope, that never was mine.
A feeling so low, a feeling so high.
You reach for the stars, you grab at the sky.
When all is naught and all is nigh.
Impossible hope
exhumed with a sign
But some things are but possible,
and through your mind's eye probable.
You cling to what you hope be true,
and with your heart you must make due.
The feeling of some hopelessness,
your mind plays tricks and you will miss,
what's waiting on the other side,
your hearts true form in all its pride.
Masks Undeniably the best defense mechanism. Detrimental. Easy on and easy off. Masks. None the wiser to those who choose not to see, but ever evolving to the elite few who can. Reflective and so easy to mirror. Deflective to someone none the wiser. You think you see but you don't. It's all just an illusion, cleverly disguised, in many wanting and needing forms. Discursive.
I am like a Software update. I run in the background. So don't underestimate my silence or my absence.
Seeds. There are two different seeds to water in life. One you will water and they will grow, and bloom, and flourish, and the returns are great. They will turn into magnificent trees and produce wonderful fruit for you to feast on. The other you will water and water and water, and no matter how much you give, it will just want more. Bearing no fruit, no blossoms and no possibilities or potential growth. Don't waste your valuable time watering the wrong seed.
The Release Sometimes talking about the uncomfortable things are very hard. But the freedom of release is worth it. Face it, no matter your fear/s. Never underestimate 'The Release'. It gives you more power than you know and more clarity and truth than you hoped for.
True Love It's abnormal to those that have never felt it before.
Love and Obligation: There is a difference in what one perceives to be love and obligation. Obligation masks itself as love. True betrayal of the brain, playing victim and preying on emotions. A puppeteer with his puppet on a string...manipulating. Love...…just is...… It's pure. It's real. It's unconditional. No terms. No conditions. It's free to have and free to give.
Words....the most elusive and illusive. Actions are unequivocal and loud!
Don't forget what your voice sounds like. It carries power and can travel across oceans of opinions.
Even the Silence can be loud sometimes