Linda Marie Van Tassell

Linda Marie Van Tassell Poems

Everything blooms in the mirror,
in stillwater eyes and cornsilk hair,
in the lamplight before the twilight
when all is asleep and unaware.

Autumn uplifts her golden samovar
spilling amber across the maple trees.
Her hair flutters like flaming cinnabar
or soft skeins of silk in the morning breeze.

I taste happiness on your lips, hear laughter in your sighs.
I see the heavens in your smile and sunlight in your eyes.
I feel a yearning in your touch and hunger in your kiss,
and nothing matters more to me than sharing all of this.

The morning is moist with ocean spray.
The islands, they twist around the bay;
and across them all, my eyes have scanned -
the rocky cliffs and the buttes of sand.

I saw in you the best of me,
twin souls united set aflame.
I loved too much and could not see
that you and I were not the same

This water is like time slipping through my fingers.
Things that once were - no more - shall never be again.
Life lives in silence and sound, smiles and tears, lingers
in petals that find themselves drifting in the rain.

The Scene: a dark basement in the shadow of night
where dirty, perverted things are done out of sight.
His stealthy, secret visits are furtively made
by the torch of his eyes and the tip of his spade.

Come! Give me your thoughts that have wandered far and long
in the realm of green meadows and the daisies' song
of love-me, love-me-not petals that shed their tears
beneath the hope of your touch and the joy of years.

Somewhere there's someone, sometime and someplace,
the one who loves me more than words can say.
He's the song of joy, a new bloom of love,
a whirlwind of wonder at break of day.

When passion was a fevered flame,
I had no want of guilt or shame.
I fell into a sea of bliss
and rode the sweet waves of your name.

How you must have suffered to pluck a cloud,
to tear its tendrils to rain in my heart,
to sweep the sadness of a coffin shroud
casting long shadows to keep us apart.

"You are not a drop in the ocean.
You are the entire ocean, in a drop."
~ Rumi

Only a shirt -

I hold it
embrace it

I long to wear you like a softly-scented cologne,
to smell your essence around me when I'm all alone,
to inhale you with each breath from the moment I wake,
to taste you on the wind with every step I take.

Save mine eyes from the sight.
I have sought thee for nineteen years;
and hence, have found thee.
I grasp thee to my bosom e'er so tight,

Grey city morning and black river streets.
Rain against my window, tears in my sheets.
Dark clouds in the sky, thunder overhead.
Imprint of your body left in my bed.

I dream of knowing your velvet kiss,
the soft warmth of your lips,
the delicious drink of carnal bliss
that pours from your fingertips.

Her clothes hang in the closet.
The room smells of her perfume.
Their bed is dressed with pillows
of antique lace, some heirloom.

I turned the heat on last night to chase away the cold;
and I perceived you in the sepulcher of my bones,
the bones that ache with hunger and tears, the great ensouled
that never really knew you, just words turned into stones.

'And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.'

I am not perfect; I never was -
a canonized lie of virgin white.

Linda Marie Van Tassell Biography

I hope that in honing my craft as writer and poet, my voice will inspire people to see life as a perpetual journey that branches out into divergent paths of knowledge, challenge and discovery. In all things may we discover one another, glance into the mirror of each other's soul, and recognize within all some small part of ourselves. We are one. Have a happy day and thanks for visiting. I do hope we meet again.)

The Best Poem Of Linda Marie Van Tassell

To All Of Those Who Made Me

Everything blooms in the mirror,
in stillwater eyes and cornsilk hair,
in the lamplight before the twilight
when all is asleep and unaware.
The past unfolds like origami,
like old love letters in roses bloom.
In black velvet deep, secrets to keep
tangle in tendrils, in skin, in room.

Phantom voices whisper of regret,
of sorrows born and dreams unfulfilled,
of a silent hell never to well,
and knuckled prayers by night now stilled.
Moth mother burned by too many flames
seeking the taste of forbidden fruit.
She dragged her pain behind smiles in vain.
Her empty hands begging, resolute.

Fallow father, golden leaf floating,
ever present in fountain of youth.
He was a shield on the battlefield,
a dissolution, a death in truth.
A regal remnant peering through mist,
he watched over the family tree;
and as I look, I too see him look.
He looks outward and onward through me.

Songbird sisters, a magpie and crow,
pleating the wind on a slant of sky
chasing their dreams on magic moonbeams
looking downward with their heads held high.
A chorus of birds lifts them in song.
The sun burns quickly into a smolder.
I close my eyes and soar through the skies.
In a blink, we are so much older.

Wine that was poured and pressed into me,
the sour grapes of lovers now past,
through thick and thin, they live in my skin,
a patchwork quilt unraveling fast.
All of these faces hang on the wall
down the hallway in back of my mind,
and I truly care for what is there
for what is near yet so far behind.

The one who loves me smiles when I smile.
He flirts with the wind and time and space.
He loves the lush of salient hush
and is the gusto to all my grace.
He is ruggedly rough and handsome
with the earth in the palm of his hands.
He is an offering, a blessing,
and a comfort to all life demands.

A Clay Street girl and a Church Street girl,
I am a woman of Sunnymeade.
A sappy thing, I cry when I sing.
I am a human; and yes, I bleed.
Everything blooms in the mirror.
All things return to where they should be.
Let everything fall, tears and all,
to weep for all of those who made me.

Linda Marie Van Tassell Comments

Julia Luber 06 September 2019

A remarkable poet weaving skill and craft into impeccable poetry.

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Bravo! ! Most precious! ! 24 September 2018

Bravo! ! Most precious Princess of the rhythmic world….I Sir William Phenn am here to be your shield and your sword. Your shield, to shield you from harm and your sword to strike down the evil and ignorant ones!

2 3 Reply
Richard W Jenkins 25 November 2017

Linda Marie is the best of all the poetesses and poets I personally read, know, most admire, and respect.

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