Kumarmani Mahakul Light Poems

Light Night

Green souls are seen in threads of night
Lights of souls here are glowing to write,

Diwali A Festival Of Love And Light

Diwali is a festival of love and light,
Its aim is to live in peace, not in fight.
It is celebrated to recall memory of Lord Ram,
People with sacred body offer God psalm.

Hope Of Light

Light has a hope to gain
Shyness but in tenderness,
Light has a hope to give
Wisdom but under God's arm,

Love Is Filling Light

Your pure love is very sweet
This is filling light in mind
We have realized in this world
Life is cheerful in your memory.

Tremor Of Wisdom Of Light

Wisdom is eternal and fresh
Morning carries and we bath in it
A slight earthquake of light
The reflection of sunrise brings,

First Light

Who are you oh painter?
How are you smiling?
Under the beneath of cracked cloud,
From whom you have got power?

He Was Truth He Was Light

When Jesus started giving his knowledge,
Few conspirators started opposing him,
Conspiracy was done by conspirators
To put Jesus in cross,

Light Is Hidden To Light Next

While you soul go away from body
People say light is hidden you see
Cadaver is lied on the floor
No more life is within you know.

Every Ray Of Light

As morning arrives with newness,
Every ray of light compete,
For coming and kissing Earth,
In eternal love they fly soon.

Pilgrims Of Light

We are pilgrims we are having journey,
To a sacred place of light and mercy,
From darkness of night to new day light,
We are going by state of transformation.

Light Of Dignity Of Trust

This light is very graceful,
Directly this has come from,
Above abode has sent this,
By command of God light comes.

Love Is Glowing Light

Little, little it is burning pain
I know there is nothing in gain.
Rain speaks about sparking light
Night is very dark looks bright.

Sweetly Tuned Light

This light of mercy of God,
We see is very cutely appeared,
As this new beginning is seen,
Day has brought sweetness more,

Reviving New Light We Are

We are reviving with new light
In entire sky we see your glory
This is freshly written in love
Oh so cute this dawn is really.

Loiter Oh Dear Light

Dear light, you wait, wait and wait,
We are going to wake up soon this day,
Without apparent purpose you stand,
You wait around hiding behind clouds.

Hold Me In Lap Of Light

Dear merciful father you hold
You hold very tight in light
Dear love you give me in right
I am now in your track only.

Wings Of Illusion To Wings Of Light

Likely in cloudy and foggy weather,
Hanging in branches of trees
Under green leaves a dream of joy,
In forest as deer hears song of hunter,

Most Powerful Light

God is most powerful, most powerful
He is superior metaphysical light,
He is majestic universal power,
He is super cosmic energy,

Limited Night Unlimited Light

Light comes in day through sun,
Light comes at night through stars,
Moon is also source of calm light,
Borrowing from sun moon gives us.

Manner That Brings Light Inside

The style of values that is perceived,
This gives shinning effect in outside,
A person's personality is reflection,
Inner values give good behaviour.

Inspect Self By Inner Light

By your inner light of wisdom,
As soon as possible you check,
Inspection is necessary as per time,
Soul needs refreshment in wisdom.

Divinity Is In Light

The quality of being divine,
We have learnt from tender light,
Morning's divinity is man's divinity,
Beauty is based on spirituality.

Light Of Divine Mercy

Light of God is greatest light
This has unlimited rays for us,
At each moment his grace is falling
We are living by his grace only,

New Light Smiles

Look at this first sky soon
Light comes here to smile
We feel love in directions
Sun moves to rise in East.

Night Is Searching For Light

Deep night is still wandering,
In strange hope this is thrilling,
Beauty of benevolence is measured,
Night is searching for light of joy.

Straight In Light We Are

Straight in light we are so far
After knowing we are souls here
We are playing our parts daily
By your mercy we get wisdom pure.

Light, Light Oh Light, Light

Light oh dear light, you do light
Light I search you in deep night.
Right you do for me I feel bright
How can we live here without light?

Mingle With Me Dear New Light

You mingle with me dear new light
With brightness you dance here
Here I am ready with brothers
To welcome you I sing love song.

New Submission To Super Light

Oh dear super light I pray you
To submit myself within you
In deep love of old passage
New essence I draw in my life.

You See This Little Light

Dear visitors in the dark way
I know you search light sure
A little ray too values more
For all of us in deep darkness.

Getting Your Love Light

Starting from my eternal life
I know you are my father
I know you love me very much
You wait and come I wait here.

Two Thousand Light Rays

As rain flows from heaven,
As your grace falls on us,
As water of rain flows
My poems have flown from mind

You Bring Light To Me

In your selfless love I live
With deep care you have sent
Fragrance flowers give in dawn
Dusk is too adored by birds.

Sweet Tune Of New Light

In cheerful mind I hear light
This whispers near my ear sure
Beauty of morning is painted
Birds sing new song of love.

Filling Light In Life

I am filling light of wisdom
In my life sure to nourish
I have to travel eternal path
So I am getting ready sure.

Light Is Calling From Heaven

Oh so wonderful this is night,
From heaven us calling is light.
Brightness speaks about mid day,
Who knows secret soon you say.

Towards Light From Darkness

Oh dear soul, oh dear son of God,
You have woken up at this midnight,
Seeing a dream and hearing a call,
A call given by midnight stars

We Need That Light

That powerful light of wisdom,
We are souls we need to enlighten,
We have rights and you give us,
This is your great justice for us.

Love Is Transformed Into Light

Powerful love values in life,
This is root of compassion and feelings,
Through love we nourish and serve,
Love gives breath of living in society.

Something Through Light

By his mercy at this morning,
Life sings at nice moment,
Feeling cool breeze of grace,
We see new light in sunrise.

Golden Light Golden Veil

Beauty is unlimited generated well,
Dawn's crawling in sky has brought,
New hopes are mumbling to spread,
Golden future is sketched in love.

Effervescence Of Morning Light

Bubbles after bubbles are arising,
In fresh stream water in near forest,
Falling clear light these are seen,
Golden pink yellow colours appear.

Night Is Passing Light Is Coming

Slowly, slowly night is passing,
Darkness is dancing to go back,
Dawn has started journey to come,
Light is coming to this Earth.

Victory Of Love Light

Why do you break in sad or sorrow?
Why do you more again here borrow?
Why do fall in trap of ignorance dear?
Why do not you listen to heart in clear.

Mind Feels Light

Moving in direction right we see
Light travels from very far
Such a far place its origins is
We do not know at all as we feel

Swinging In Womb Of Light

Oh dear very cute little angelic baby,
You are swinging in womb of light,
Light is your mom, you are lovely,
You are swinging in sky for wisdom.

Magical Light

Your light is mercy on us,
You are beauty in every hope,
God you are lovely in memory,
We find you in wisdom light.

Kind Breeze Of Gentle Light

Light has come to touch mind,
Rays have appeared to empower,
Breeze carries interesting feature,
Shining effect is fallen on leaves.

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