She just turned my life around,
When I finally found her;
Changing my entire being,
As well as my character.
Live life to the fullest,
God has shortened the age;
Time runs out and flies fast,
Quickly turning another page.
There are lessons of life to learn,
Coin has two sides - face down and up;
It moves quickly after the toss,
Finally, it does slowly stop.
You give colors to my life,
You've painted it with love;
You've turned the darkest day
Into light like the sun above.
Your life is like a pizza pie,
With wisdom you should long or yearn;
It is not just a food to eat,
But also a lesson to learn.
The light of delight
Strenuously seizes
The dusk of sorrow.
Larger-than-life love
Is truly time-tested one;
It comes when least expected,
As the other is easily gone.
C-rushing grief is part of life,
H-eartbreak makes one cry;
E-ven anguish gives sorrow, as woe and fret come by.
R-ise-and-fall kind of life
O-pens our eyes to reality;
S-ometimes up, at times down,
E-veryone cannot disagree.
J-ust select the right way,
O-r you will surely descend;
Y-ou must seek God's kingdom,
C-hoose not the things that
Sun flares, mane ignites,
Roar echoes, muscles tense,
Paws stalk, shadows creep.
Not a few suffer from pain
Or heartache and even sorrow;
Vibration from woes gets stronger
As one lives another morrow.
C-herish the morning sun
A-s you rise from slumber;
R-ed beacon above the horizon
M-akes ascent, getting brighter.
No jaywalking,
Instead use the overpass;
No loading and unloading
Of passengers male or lass.
Almighty God is all knowing,
For He is omniscient;
He knows very well
Each and every heart's content.
L-ife has come to a close,
O-n the twenty-first of April;
R-est in peace is just given,
E-nd is the Almighty's will.
R-ain won't stop falling
U-nless clime turns fine;
B-ecause haze disappears,
Y-our birthday will shine.
A-long the highway of life
L-ight may be bright or gray;
H-aze and mist you might face
O-ctober thirtieth day.
A-s you celebrate the day,
M-orning has just broken;
E-vent like this is big,
L-ike a wide sky in heaven.
A-nother life is in store,
N-ew earth and new heaven;
N-o more tears nor sorrow,
A-bode for the ones chosen.
M-aker of life has let
Y-ou recognize His power;
L-ord God has expected
E-very chosen worshiper.
A-s the real purpose of life
L-ets you know the Creator;
B-e submissive to God,
E-agerly serve Him with ardor.
L-et life live in love,
O-n the fifteenth of May;
R-age and hate are cast,
N-egative deeds are thrown
M-ake our life delightful,
A-dding a glorious bliss;
E-nd the precarious situation, wait for the heavenly promise.
V-ictory in life
I-s for those who believe;
L-oss and defeat
M-ake the doubters never
E-very moment of your life
V-ies to defeat the foe;
E-arly thirtieth of May
L-ets not the mirth turn into woe.
J-une nineteenth, eighteen sixty-one,
O-ne Filipino was just born;
S-un had begun to brightly shine;
E-vening had yielded to the morn.
Life inside the Church Of Christ
Is simple yet so happy;
Members around the whole world
Are like one big family.
M-ajestic life you live
A-ims to bring beauty;
R-efined form of faith
I-s wonderful to see.
M-eaning of man's life
A-ims to teach a lesson
R-egarding the Maker's plan
I-n carrying out His creation.