Not a few men ask:
'Why does God allow strife? '
Why there are troubles
That they see in this life.
Real, Factual
Enlightening, Touching, Moving
Fidelity, Sincerity, Honesty, Constancy
L-ook at what lies ahead,
H-ope for the bright future;
E-arnestly reach the heaven,
N-o more pain to endure.
R-oar of the lion
B-egins to sound as a threat,
R-oaming devil hunts.
A-im at what lies ahead,
M-ove on to cross the line;
Y-our race is God-given, it's the Almighty's design.
L-earn to fight the lies,
O-r you will lose the truth;
Y-ou must stand against the tricks,
D-enying deceit that don't suit.
W-eather Tuesday morning
I-s either warm or fine;
L-et the beacon begin
L-ighting up the skyline.
R-ise of the beacon starts,
E-liminating the night;
I-nclement clime turns fine,
Z-enith awaits the
B-right life lies ahead,
A-llow not yourself to moan;
R-emain hopeful and faithful,
B-ecause of the beacon
M-isty and hazy Tuesday
H-as left during your slumber;
A-n early Wednesday is nice,
F-lowers are blooming
Tender words uttered
Honesty's pure gentle soul
Freedom in the truth