Lauren Joy

Lauren Joy Poems

Optical illusions
Distortions and diffusions
Detrimental depression
Ominous oppression

My heart aches
My heart breaks
My heart is scattered around
My heart hurts

The harder she tried
The harder she fell
Each time getting weaker
But it was an addiction

My pretty butterfly
Flies away from me
I cannot keep hold of him
He just wants to be free

Beautiful princess
Broken and bruised
Tears swell strongly within
Swallowed by pain

I'll wait for you, my lovely child
I'll wait to see your face
If years will flee
Still here I'll be

Baby, you lied to me
You told me we were over
But now you lost your other witch
You want to be my lover

Love of mine
Love unkind
Why do you hurt me so?
Love of mine

Let it go
Forget how you feel
Forget what you've always wanted
It's not for you

Restless insomniac
Death rocked her to sleep
Blood falling into a dark sky
She drowned in it

My dream was real
My reality was dreamy
It only lasted for a little while

Internal voices scream
They screech with pitiful craze
Scratching behind my eyes
They put me in a daze

My beautiful muse
My handsome one
How long must I wait?
Before I can hold you?

Whispers between two lovers
Warm and gentle on the face
Sweet nothings and savouring moments
Arms around the waist

I miss you my love
You're so far away
Out of reach
Out of touch

Restless and ruthless
Naively seeking
What cannot be found
Holding fast to a lie

Hold my heart in your hands
Guard it with your life
Please don't break it
You know I can't take it

I can't forgive myself
I can't let go
Of what I did
Of what I know

I want to know you
To hold and to kiss you
I want you to know me too
I want you to hold me

She sold herself for a penny
To an old man by the bay
Who asked her in
For a tot of gin

The Best Poem Of Lauren Joy

Alliteration Anonymous

Optical illusions
Distortions and diffusions
Detrimental depression
Ominous oppression
Severe suppression
Impervious impression
Chaotic compression
Retributive repression
Overbearing obsession
Sickly succession
Optical orifices

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