Laura Gail Sweeney

Laura Gail Sweeney Poems

Flickering, glistening sounds of night
Your warm hand keeps mine protected from the frost
Stars twinkle above like the warmth of your heart
Our hearts have a view of the snow covered hillside

Silvery white snow
Contrasts with his eyes so brown
Sweetness who climbs mountains
Who opens my heart with a thought

The intangibleness of feelings that amaze me
When I dive into those gleeful, cloudy skies
In my dreams in which I see illusory, mountainous greens
This very special day, unlike the rest, I've confessed

Sometimes it feels like there's no place for philosophers
And poets in this world. They're engaged in work that
Helps support their true vocations. Maybe they do
Work beneath their horizons as a means of not contaminating

Fruitful delights of Golden Dawn arise,
Whereby solstice smiles upon a new day,
Cliffs of Moher, where daisies do fantasize
Of one's yesteryear reigning in the hay.

O'Shea knows where wanderers go,
Where water flows upon the coast of Moher,
Along hillsides with sullen pathways.
Not forgotten are those stone walls

My poetry is not as fine as Sestina's
Hers consists of memorable terms
And is completely down to astounding delight
Whereas mine rests in coarse cliche' lines

Uncontrolled dreams reveal one's yearning
For experiences unknown
Such nightly flights supply learning

Phantoms play this Halloween
They stray into the forest
Alongside the Fairy Queen

Let us again embrace nature's Leap Year!
Precious time for women to express joy!
Dancing with Bacchus, no reason to fear
An immense dance in which all are deployed

You find beauty in what life brings
Those nuggets, scraps, and other things
Walnuts rest on the floor
Un-devoured, saved once more

Laura Gail Sweeney Biography

Laura Gail Sweeney has always been engaged in the creation of various creative projects. She was attracted to poetry at an early age but didn't feel she had enough knowledge and training to write poems. She studied art, English, communication, and education over the years. After earning various degrees at university, she taught school and continued to work in the art and poetry fields. Some of her books can be found on Amazon.)

The Best Poem Of Laura Gail Sweeney

Snow In The Night

Flickering, glistening sounds of night
Your warm hand keeps mine protected from the frost
Stars twinkle above like the warmth of your heart
Our hearts have a view of the snow covered hillside
Candles flicker in the sky

We bask in warmth, two thinkers with their minds in an intuitive escape
Spiritual bubbles provide the fragrance of vanilla, our perfume of choice
White icing with vanilla flavor, a snow cone so tasty,
Hot chocolate, all the sweet flavors,
The garden of organic vegetables

For the time being, covered in snow, contrasting the warm body heat
Moving in and out of my mind, through the seasons of the year
I feel your spirit and pull you so close
A warm hug, the best I've ever known, truly heartfelt, here as we
Hike through the snow, in silence, hearts protected from the frost,

Ever growing, love bestowing.

Laura Gail Sweeney Comments

Laura Gail Sweeney Quotes

For me, constructing a poem is like fitting the pieces of language's puzzle together to fly away into both irreality and actuality.

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