Kurt Barekman

Kurt Barekman Poems

flowers and poems flowing free
blossoming buds the flowers of the tree
sorrow filling the pit of my heart
loves bite like a sour tart

What is your darkest fear?
something irrational creeping in your closet?
Angry monsters of the past taking a peer
into a soul so barren and wasted

darkness blinding me
more than sunlight ever sees
like war an organized fight
blood fury wipes away site

crazy is as crazy does
coiming down from my whiskey buzz
thinking of you
oh can it be true

Dreams in the night sky
so many things to do before i die
i had hoped to say
something about my dreams held at bay

life walking alive and breathing
death alone rotting and seething
truth fuzzy not clear around edges
lies sharp clear driving wedges

Running running running
falling falling falling
into your arms bloody
so barren so dry

off to the land of dreams i go
refusing to go with the flow
wicked and evil full of might
refusing to let up their nighttime fight


I am real
I am in love
I am happy
I am yours


Love coursing through tight veins
eyes flashing passion
Love brightening washing away pains
take me away in your arms


Sleep glorious warmth darkness
come envelop me in your arms
dreams night terrors full so heartless
keeping me awake so late each night

light bright falling thickly
smiling faces enjoying the breeze
suns rays warming the sinners face
from the cold dark place


There for me are my friends
with me to the earth and its ends
we live through every plight
every god damned fight

dont worry im always there
for you to hold me tight
always there to bring down the fight
dont worry im always there to cry in your arms

Twinkle Twinkle little star
looking up from beyond the bar
drunken thoughts filling me
somehow find who i will truly be

Fading light bright in your eyes
Hurt strong and painful goodbyes
Warm passionate keeping alive love
perhaps this is a sign maybe of something above

Walking on sunshine
its got to feel good
Walking so sublime
floating on air

Kurt Barekman Biography

Never have regrets because at one point everything you did was exactly what you wanted. These are the words that i should have been living by for all these years. I have now proceeded to live by this. In affect i live like i am dying, although i hope to hold that off for a long while.)

The Best Poem Of Kurt Barekman

A Haiku

A haiku for you
In hopes you will never be blue
This I command you

Kurt Barekman Comments

Bethany Williams 10 June 2010

You write really good. Please keep writing...

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