"Good morning, dear students," the principal said.
"Please put down your pencils and go back to bed.
Today we will spend the day playing outside,
then take the whole school on a carnival ride.
My teacher ate my homework,
which I thought was rather odd.
He sniffed at it and smiled
with an approving sort of nod.
Homework, I love you. I think that you're great.
It's wonderful fun when you keep me up late.
I think you're the best when I'm totally stressed,
preparing and cramming all night for a test.
Our teacher's a football fanatic.
It's all that he has on his mind.
He listens to games on his headphones,
I started on my homework,
but my pen ran out of ink…
My hamster ate my homework…
My computer's on the blink…
While strolling down the beach today
I came upon a lamp.
It was dusty, it was dirty,
it was dingy, it was damp.
I hope that you believe me,
for I wouldn't tell a lie.
I cannot turn my science homework in
and this is why:
I cooked my math book in a broth
and stirred it to a steaming froth.
I threw in papers—pencils, too—
to make a pot of homework stew.
My dog does my homework
at home every night.
He answers each question
and gets them all right.
I baked a dozen cookies
and I put them on a plate,
and I set them out for Santa Claus,
Attention all students! Attention all kids!
Hold onto your horses! Hold onto your lids!
We have just exactly the thing that you need
whenever you've way too much homework to read.
Benjamin plays bass guitar
completely out of tune.
Sarah sings while sucking from
My computer ate my homework.
Yes, it's troublesome, but true.
Though it didn't gnaw or nibble
and it didn't chomp or chew.
Autumn is the time of year
when changes start to happen here.
The days grow short. It's cold outside.
Hello, my name is Madison.
I live on Lincoln Street.
I'm in the state of Washington.
I think that's pretty neat.
The weather is perfect for running.
I think that I'll go for a jog.
Except I'm a little bit tired,
Swimming in the swimming pool
is where I like to 'B,'
wearing underwater goggles
so that I can 'C.'
Our homework assignment was simply to write down
the capitals for every state.
I thought I was doing just great.
My pig won't let me watch TV.
It's totally unfair.
He watches anything he wants
but doesn't ever share.
My sister thinks she's Santa Claus.
It's really kind of cute.
She likes to shout out 'Ho, Ho, Ho!'
and wears a bright red suit.
She carries lots of toys around
inside a great big sack
and keeps her eight pet reindeer
with her sleigh out in the back.
She even has a workshop
where she makes a lot of noise
directing all the elves who help
by making brand new toys.
Then once a year, on Christmas Eve,
she flies off in her sleigh
delivering her gifts around the world
for Christmas Day.
She'd make a perfect Santa
which is why it's just too bad
my sister can't be Santa Claus;
see, Santa is our dad.
Kenn Nesbitt is an American children's poet. On June 11, 2013 he was named Children's Poet Laureate by the Poetry Foundation. He is a writer of humorous poetry for children, including the books My Hippo Has the Hiccups and Revenge of the Lunch Ladies. Kenn Nesbitt has collaborated with poet Linda Knaus on one collection of Christmas poems entitled Santa Got Stuck in the Chimney and with children's musician Eric Herman on several CDs. His poems also appear in numerous anthologies of humorous children's poetry. Nesbitt's writing often includes imagery of outrageous happenings, before ending on a realistic note. Being children's poems, many make fun of school life. He was born on February 20, 1962 in Berkeley, California. He grew up in Fresno and San Diego, California, United States. He wrote his first children's poem, Scrawny Tawny Skinner, in 1994. Later, he wrote several more poems. In 1997, he decided to write his first poetry book, My Foot Fell Asleep, which was published in 1998. After that, he continued to author more poetry books. Kenn Nesbitt's poem "The Tale Of The Sun And The Moon", was used in the 2010 movie Life as We Know It (film). It was set to music by Eric Herman.)
Good Morning, Dear Students
"Good morning, dear students," the principal said.
"Please put down your pencils and go back to bed.
Today we will spend the day playing outside,
then take the whole school on a carnival ride.
"We'll learn to eat candy while watching TV,
then listen to records and swing from a tree.
We'll also be learning to draw on the walls,
to scream in the classrooms and run in the halls.
"So bring in your skateboard, your scooter, your bike.
It's time to be different and do what you like.
The teachers are going to give you a rest.
You don't have to study. There won't be a test.
"And if you'd prefer, for a bit of a change,
feel free to go wild and act really strange.
Go put on a clown suit and dye your hair green,
and copy your face on the Xerox machine.
"Tomorrow it's back to the regular grind.
Today, just go crazy. We really don't mind.
So tear up your homework. We'll give you an A.
Oh wait. I'm just kidding. It's April Fools' Day."
Ken Nesbitt inspired me to draw. The first poem that inspired me was I Saw A Sloth Play Soccer. Thank You!
this poem is really good. i hate my homework and i wish these excuses would work