Kelvin Rush

Kelvin Rush Poems

You keep on asking as if we're blessed
There are no answers for us to digest
Man has no insight to the meaning of life
It's futile and full of pain and strife

Bow to your masters sell your soul
You're food for the wicked who love to control
You fall to your knees like a weak scared child
Pathological slave debunked and beguiled

The magnificent magpie confident and strong
Watching from the highest point casually in song
Eyes like telescopes in and out for food
At times superstitious sometimes misconstrued

Hundreds of Thousands of snowflakes descend
They fall without menace never questioning the end
So pure and so virgin never touched or controlled
How beautiful my snowflake so warm yet so cold

What do you think happened to Mr Blyth
Who lost control after his mother died
What do you think happened to Mrs Penn
Who had an affair and was never seen again

Take a taste from the golden flower
Succulent nectar superpower
Safe and warm back to the womb
Magical content beautiful bloom

I came across a photo
At my mother's house today
My blood turned icy cold
As I remembered that fatal day

Just when you think you finally know
Something comes along and spoils the show
The never ending cycle you're up then down
One minute you're a hero the next a clown

Convince the people they are helpless
Then you hold the reins
Choose your path of fear and resentment
Inflict the aches and pains

I'm off to the hospital to see my dad
He's on B ward second floor
He has dementia he thinks he's at home
He talks endlessly about the war

Angry dad is extremely mad
He can no longer see his children
The secret courts have made sure of that
He's treated like a common criminal

Step by step they dismantle freedom
Rehearsing the terror after dark
When everyone believes the story told
And questions nothing it's a walk in the park

Little old me who has no power
No freedom no wealth no plans or desire
Little old me so full of pretence
A lack of wisdom a weak defence

Non of reality is
It's all a misconception
Meanings don't exist
Just a cruel and clever deception

Sitting on a chair in the middle of the road
No one has a clue how I got here
I don't have a worry or a care in the world
All the noise around me seems to disappear

All the oppression the fanatical obsession
Keeping depression at bay
All the dark moods the constant broods
The fools that won't go away

Billions of entities mulling all around
Grunting like gorillas trying to make a sound
Lacking in nobility selfish to a tee
Heartless unforgettable get a load of me

You can hoard all you like be attached to your things
You can fight for your ego and the nonsense it brings
You can think you're immune from the devil and death
Write your own obituary fight your final breath

Bodies washed up on a northern shore
Missing shoes and clothes no one knows who they are
Someone back home will be worried and concerned
Did their loved ones make it will the bodies be returned

I'm up at dawn I feel reborn
I'm damned if I know why
My fear has gone I feel alive and strong
I could jump and touch the sky

Kelvin Rush Biography Kelvin Rush is the author of ten books. He’s written and published over one thousand poems, most of which are included in his book “Birth Slave Die” released in 2019.)

The Best Poem Of Kelvin Rush

The Meaning Of Life

You keep on asking as if we're blessed
There are no answers for us to digest
Man has no insight to the meaning of life
It's futile and full of pain and strife

Think about anything that comes in your head
Then never forget one day you'll be dead
It's hardly surprising that no one is sane
The drugs and the booze the lies and the pain

The reason for living is not found in a book
It's like having a dream but you never wake up
It can't be explained by sight or sound
It's magnificent and godlike immense and profound

It's short and sweet it's bitter and pure
It offers you thrills but gives you no cure
It's bloody and quaint it's violent and cruel
It pretends to be saint but acts like a fool

It rises in many and renders you weak
It causes such heartache it's coy and discrete
It knows you will suffer before you give in
It's cunning and stunning and determined to win

It shines like an angel it oozes with joy
It's willing and able to kill and destroy
It moves off in silence then strikes like a snake
God help all the ones who lie in its wake

It's confusing and baron and incredibly wise
It's intrusive and Aaron it laughs and it cries
It pretends to be clean when in fact it infects
It's rude and obscene and hard to detect

It always reacts and never forgets
It retains all its strength from the ones it protects
It creates then dictates then destroys all that's good
It debates and dilates and feeds off your blood

It's rigid and torrid corrupt and insane
It thrives on emotion like anger and pain
It lurks like a virus it's patient and calm
It's willing and able with swagger and charm

It comes out of nowhere with fire and gust
It's heartless and cold it's bold and robust
Nothing on earth can stand in its way
It flatters and shatters and batters its prey

So before you ask what's the meaning of life
Just remember my friend we're dumb and so blind
We're specs on this earth of no consequence
We're meaningless parasites an insignificance

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