Kayla LeBlanc

Kayla LeBlanc Poems

a girl like me
loves me for who i am
a girl like me
loves people for who they are

Still in the night,
Night of the lost,
Lost wishes,
Wishes of tomorrow,

im numb to everything
i dont think ill ever find my way back
i dont want to either
i wanna leave


Heart broken and distraught,
I scribble these words.
They hold no meaning,
But what else can I do?

You give me hope,
And light.
You make the sun shine,


I can feel him next to me,
putting his arm around me
making me safe
whispering in my ear 'I Love You'

this world is closing in on me
i dont think i can take it anymore
i can never seem to get a grasp on gravity
i wish i could float

Stuck in this room
between these four walls
whom offer no advice
six days have come and gone

you are my today,
the way you look me in my eyes
and give me that little smirk,
and make my heart beat

She cant sleep again,
echo's of forgotten time replay
over and over again in
her head like a broken

I am the one they call

as the breeze to a closed

you left me broken,
my heart shattered.

I loved you so much,

Alone in my room I sit and write.

Its times like these when i feel unbelievably alone.

Why do i feel this way?
i just want to breakdown and cry
the way you captivated me
with your obliviating words

You are perfect to me,
In every single way.
You say you dont see it,
But I can surly feel it.

The Best Poem Of Kayla LeBlanc

A Girl Like Me

a girl like me
loves me for who i am
a girl like me
loves people for who they are
a girl like me
loves people not for what i see
a girl like me
loves for what i know
a girl like me
cant understand why people hate
a girl like me
cant understand why people love
a girl like me
is curious to the world
a girl like me
is curious to know what happens after life
a girl like me
just lives in the moment
a girl like me
never knows where life will take me
a girl like me
gets confused and lost
a girl like me
wonders if life was ment for me
a girl like me
is just a girl lost
looking for her place in the world

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