Christmas tree
Bright as a star,
First one of the night.
What's underneath
A winter night;
Drags, cold and dark.
A layer of cotton
Sat on the ice.
A lethargic breeze
Is getting stronger,
Sun starts to hide
It's bright no longer,
Copper, zinc, nickel,
That's what people want.
A lot will do a lot,
To get what others got.
Christmas Never Comes
Christmas tree
Bright as a star,
First one of the night.
What's underneath
Not around
Seems to really matter.
Sarcastic smile
Is unwrapped,
With another present.
You want, expect
And always get,
Yet again not pleased.
This time of year,
Special still?
Tradition fades away.
You grew and saw,
You grew and saw,
Saw it for yourself.
Without a doubt
Regard the time
Christmas never comes.