Joshua Aaron Guillory

Joshua Aaron Guillory Poems

A peaceful mind
And innocent heart
Are rare to find
And never apart.

True love is a wish
Not everyone gets,
Like catching one fish
With a lot of nets.

A faithful husband to my thoughts am I.
I follow and protect them everywhere
And stand with them and lead them to the sky
Of heaven with high, noble wings of care.

Words of passion, thoughts of gold,
In poetic fashion, truths are told.
The poet's words restoreth life,
Vice versa freed from inward strife.

He's gracious all the time.
God shows His love for real.
His mind is so sublime.
I call Him my Lord still.

Through perfect love and light,
God leads us to delight.
With sight to see the day,
The truth will guide your way.

God truly perfect is.
He made the earth to be
A place of happiness.
Munificent is He.

When worldliness decays
And evil fades away,
The good that God conveys
Will all the world allay.

He greets me with a kiss,
Protects me day and night,
He's kind with gentleness,
And loves with all His might.

Behind me came a dame,
Whose beauty was benign.
And with her voice of fame
She whispered I am fine.

Who stays in the saddle using wisdom wins the battle.
To say that I am settled inside the truth today,
Incessantly unrattled, resting without dismay,
Would be not less than perfect, but doubtlessly expressed.

The days are hovering high,
Looking forward to the night.
Time has given the decree,
So come now to me

Solitude is my palace;
It's where I find true peace.
When men intrude with malice,
My wits become police.

Arid officials in their drudgery,
Being closely aligned with Big Brother,
Stay closing the door on Benthamism.
The people dare not whistle in the dark.

Sharper than an axe, larger than a shark,
The light of courage guards us from the dark.
Dynamic healer of tremendous pain,
Courageous wisdom overcomes disdain.

Award-winning love:
No wars in our love;
No hardships thereof;
We are just enough.

With peace my heart is filled;
My mind, with sweet delight.
God has His love revealed
And mighty will this night.

Life is so perfect and lovely!
Life is so tasty and sweet!
Life is so peaceful and bubbly!
Life every day is a treat!

The people came unto Joshua the Messiah and asked of him, What is the secret to life eternal?

Then Joshua, gazing at the people, said with a gentle voice, Believe in eternal life, and you shall have it so.

Joshua Aaron Guillory Biography

Location: Orange, Texas | Other Websites:

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Where Love Dwells, Love Prevails. - Joshua A. Guillory

Where love dwells,
love prevails. - Joshua A. Guillory

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