John Chizoba Vincent Poems

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I Want To Grow Old With You

Dreams will come and go
But i remain right beside you.
I will be around you forever.
Let the world stop turning,

Unity In Cultural Diversity

The westerners eat Amala and Ewedu
We eat Akpo and Ofe Nsala
They dance Juju and Apala
We dance bongo and atilogwu the beat of life.

For The Girlchild

To this brokeness of women, the world flopped and flipped out.
How life flawed and tampered the ice of the girlchild!
How green became red images to their eyes is still a misery to our flammable fable eyes:
of happiness gallopping towards sorrow,

Song Of Life

No sweat no sweet
No sweat no sweet,
That is how the song goes.
Waking up all the lazy hands

When A Man Fall.

When a man fall
Trouble begins.
A divided home is created.
Respect and honour hasten out of the door


Like a thunder bolt
The words exploded in her head
She was confused in the noon
History deserted into noun and verbs

Money, Power And Respect

Money makes the world turn around,
Power and influence rules the world,
Respect uphold the world firmly on it palms.
Money, power, and respect rule the world.

The White Lie

Give them the lie
The white lie
Let them do the senseless Dance
Depraved men they are

History Without Pages


When our past came calling,
They told us the story of our past

Is Nigeria Dead?

When I was in America
I received an Envelop with my mother's stamp on it.
I saw the red ink boiling on the surface of the book.
I torn it open and watched the words in anger!

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