Jim Norausky

Jim Norausky Poems

Maybe ten or so.

Name and face vanished with time.

Warm air's gentle flow

Contours silk dress hugging curves

Finished contemplating

cap list tassle proud

I don't give a damn first order

as events sweep around the world

All the emotions of my heart

broken, fleeting, hopeful, sad

Uplifted spirits, enthusiasm, sweetheart

finally time to enjoy retirement start.

I remember her well

she was a beautiful young nun
(I wondered about that later in life)

Mountain's snow belly

sliced by snowmobilers' blades

Words are thoughts once said

or written somewhere instead.

Why is it
that I can cry
seeing a tv program same as I.
Family situations, I can relate,

Eight new baby faces

Doc saw seven on scan

I like 'lil Haiku

says so much with so few words

My wish for today:
that poet friends were viewing
this, coffee in hand.

Can anyone capture the essence of another person

in a painting, photo, or written words that last?

Two thirds of a century spent

Let's say 30 years to go


One in every crowd strategically lurking

challenging authorities quizzicality

Sunflower legions

lifted on green leafed shoulders

Skiing on mountain top

Perfect day -stop- reflect

The Best Poem Of Jim Norausky

* First Kiss-(Haiku)

Maybe ten or so.

Name and face vanished with time.

But not the feeling.

Jim Norausky Comments

Jim Norausky 22 May 2019

Answer to Kailyn: I was born in 1942 in southern Illinois. I only wrote poetry on poenhunter for a few years in my 60's. I tried different poetry structures and most of my poems were written around personal experiences or interests or current events. Good luck with your school project in Turkey.

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kailyn 20 May 2019

can i know your date of birth and city born, type of poetry you write and general info about your because i would like to use one of your poems for a poetry portfolio im doing for a final grade i school.

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